I have not met 1 co-worker that doesn’t want this shutdown to end. The path towards doing so begins with a quick message or phone call to the law makers in the Hill. With that in mind, I would hope that we could take a quick moment to keep the pressure on those that have the ability to bring this nightmare to an end. A renewed initiative has been crafted by NATCA to keep the messaging fresh and relevant. If you did it the first time, you know that this is not even a hiccup in your day. If you haven’t yet, here is your chance. Below is the link and the phone number to reach out those that on the Hill that can end this today. DO NOT DO THIS ON DUTY TIME!!
So far we have made about 85 calls and about 15% of us have sent the quick email as an entire region. These stats merely track the folks that engage via the NATCA provided vehicles. Only you know for sure if you did or did not reach out to your elected officials. Please make your voice heard and don’t stop until this unnecessary shutdown is brought to an end. Thank you for your time (if you made it this far, you could’ve sent an email to the Hill at least twice).