As the longest government shutdown in history continues here’s an opportunity to get out and spread the word to the people as to why this is wholly unnecessary and detrimental to our profession and lives. From now through Sunday (9 am - 7 pm) we have spots reserved to pass out leaflets at Sea-Tac Airport on most of the SkyBridges. Please keep in mind that this is an effort to advocate for an end to the shutdown and not an effort to assign partisan blame. We need all the help we can get. If you are interested in joining in spreading the word, respond to this email, use the ZSE Local Slack (easiest way to organize), contact a member of your E Board, or call/text me at 206.406.0194. You will be assigned a slot to participate by one of us. Please coordinate with us as the Port of Seattle has strict rules on how many people can be in certain areas.
We must do everything in our power to bring an end to this senseless shutdown. The bigger the numbers, the harder it is to ignore us. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope to see some of you there.