2 weeks ago, Devin Carlisto and I went to Washington DC to participate in what is known as a Rolling Lobby Week. This event is typically done with short notice and an effort to combat a threat/issue to our profession. Last year I went to educate and encourage our local WA representatives on the Hill to protect our retirement. Specifically preserving the social security annuity. With the current funding stream is set to run out on Sep 30th, our goal was to ask representatives to keep the government running and avoid a shutdown.
It was very encouraging to get unanimous support and praise from those on the Hill. However, it is also something we should be cautious about because the conclusion of an extension always leaves us susceptible to the same partisan fights over unrelated issues that can shut us down.
As you all may have read from the national update, a deal is in place to extend current fiscal levels until Dec 7th of this year and is very likely to pass. The House had already passed a fiscal plan that would give us 5 years of funding and sent it to the Senate. With everything that the Senate has on the table there was simply not enough time to get this House plan on the Senate floor and passed before Sep 30th. With this Dec 7th extension the hope is that now the Senate can give the House funding bill time to hit the floor and passed in order to avert a shutdown just before Christmas. I have my own opinions (that I will gladly discuss), but, just know that NATCA will be very involved in encouraging the prevention of a shutdown and constantly reaching out to members on the Hill to protect our profession. Thank you for your time.
-Alex Navarro III