Today I learned that NATCA President Emeritus, Barry Krasner has passed. For those that were not fortunate enough to hear or meet Mr. Krasner, he was one of the chief founding members of NATCA, served as just about every leadership role one could imagine, brought our union 3 CBA's as Chief Negotiator and was simultaneously our most large and humble figure NATCA ever had. Our National Building is named after him. He was an inspiration to many (myself in included) and led by example. Please take a moment to read the story I've linked below. He will be missed but his ideas and love for this union will live on. I leave you with this quote from Mr. Krasner:
"Both individually and organizationally, we have the obligation to leave the system and our professions in a better place than we found them. And the way to do that is to marshal our forces and to channel our energies into one cohesive voice.”
Alex Navarro III, NATCA ZSE FacRep