From May 21-23 ZSE sent 4 members to Washington DC to participate in NATCA in Washington (NiW). Apart from myself, they were Denise Spencer, Devin Carlisto, and James Darlington on their own leave to make the trek in order to advocate on behalf of our local and NATCA as a whole on issues near and dear to us.
This year our mission was simple, protect our retirements and social security annuity and ask the Senate to pass the Omnibus 5 year budget before the Aug recess. The retirement changes are the most crucial and so I'll elaborate more on that. OPM drafted a letter to Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, with language that would greatly alter or eliminate portions of our retirement. The reason that this letter is so dangerous is that it is purposefully crafted so as to be instantly attached as an amendment at anytime. At this point it is not, but, we can't afford to wait until it does.
I've attached all of the literature on this update. To summarize, it would (when you take into account the federal pay freeze that is already in place) be a pay cut by 1% increases annually in our contributions until we meet the ultimate hike to 7.25%, move us from a high 3 to a high 5, affect current and past controllers CSRS COLA (a change to ALL federal employees and even those that are survivors/widows of past employees) and the most immediate impact would be the mass exodus of controllers that are eligible to retire by eliminating the SS Annuity.
For example, if this were to pass and be implemented on Oct 1, 2018, anyone that can retire before that date would get the SS Annuity (between $1200 and $1700 monthly). Anyone that retires afterward would not. That would almost certainly push the 18% of our eligible-to-retire workforce out the door in the middle of a 29 year staffing low.
On the bright side, all of our WA representatives were unaware of this OPM letter and outraged at the prospect of it in totality. In particular, Congressman Reichert offered to draft a letter (with the aid of NATCA) directly to Speaker Ryan voicing his displeasure and opposition to this OPM language. Similar feedback was received nation wide from the other meetings that our Brothers and Sisters were attending with representatives from across the country.
On both sides of the aisle NATCA received overwhelming support to protect the benefits that we have in place. This only happens because of our NATCA PAC (you can give here) and the tireless work of activists across the country that use their own time to make sure that our issues are never overlooked or let attacks on our profession go unchecked. Like I always implore each and everyone of you, please help us fight this fight with either your time and/or via a contribution.
As always, it is an honor to be able to represent you and put in the work to protect our profession. When you see Denise, Devin and James, please thank them and ask any of us about NiW if you have more questions.
Alex Navarro III, ZSE VP