Please consider attending this class on March 22-23. If you're on the fence about the political landscape and how it intersects with our career, I would strongly recommend attendance. This doesn't mean that you are now tethered to politics nor is that the expectation. Go and get educated and then make up your own mind. If you do want to attend, please let any of your E Board members know and sign up through  Feel free to contact me on Slack or on my cell 206.406.0194 if you have any questions.  Below are some more details courtesy NNM Legislative Lead Richard Kennington.

Alex Navarro III, ZSE VP


A Basic Legislative Training is coming up in Seattle on March 22-23. If you are interested in attending, please go to this week and register so that we can get an accurate head count and lock in our contract. As a reminder, the region will pay for two nights in a hotel for those outside the commuting area. Travel will be the responsibility of the attendee but locals are permitted and encouraged to help out where possible. 

Please let me know if you have any questions,

Richard Kennington

