(Disclaimer: Please don’t use the links at work or on government computers)

Dear Members

After months of speculation, President Trump followed through on a March proposal and instituted a pay freeze for federal civilian employees. In an executive order issued yesterday, Trump confirmed that pay would remain stagnant next year for non-military federal workers. Members of the military services will receive a 2.6 percent raise in 2019.

If you remember, leading up to the shutdown, the Senate passed a 1.9 percent increase for federal workers in their version of the appropriations bill, but the House did not act. So without a Congressional override, the freeze takes affect.

BUT it is possible the new Congress could vote to give federal employees a raise.


Although the order means that federal workers will not receive a raise in January, hope for a pay increase is not lost. Democratic lawmakers have said they plan to overrule the decision and give federal workers a 1.9 percent pay increase once they take control of the House, retroactive to the beginning 2019. The raise would need to be added to the legislation lawmakers pass to break the stalemate over spending that has resulted in a partial government shutdown. There will have to be some major compromises to break the current stalemate and federal salaries could be one of the paws used.

 Obviously NATCA continues to fight to end the  shutdown and return the furloughed to work, restore paychecks, and advocate for federal salaries. The first step we are asking the membership to take is to spend ONE MINUTE and send an email to their Members of Congress. So far 17% of our region has participated. There literally is no reason why this isn't 100%. Here is the link again, feel free to share it with your family and friends. You can also click here.... or here... or here... well you get the idea,

In solidarity,

Richard Kensington
