Good afternoon everyone. Here are a couple items for your consumption:


  • Dec 21st is the new deadline to reach a deal to avert a shutdown. Based on the posturing that has already taken place, our national legislative experts believe the likelihood of shutting the government down is near certain. The most recent prediction is that it could even last until the new Congress takes their seats on 1/3/2019. In the coming days I will make sure to get information from SkyOne specifically for anyone that might need a little fiscal assistance to get through the shutdown as our paychecks might stop but our personal bills will not.

  • I’d like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that we have a wonderful avenue to resolve issues of professionalism and conduct in Professional Standards (CBA Art 52). We need not go directly to management to resolve issues in their heavy handed and punitive ways when we have a confidential, paperless option to have frank discussions and resolve matters at the lowest level. Given the administration that is in place, they have made it no secret that they are not labor friendly and even tried (and failed) to break our union via Executive Order. What is happening often, however, is the Labor Relations department is pursuing any path toward discipline against us at any opportunity they can find. The amount and length of the suspensions that regularly come out of the LR side is proof. If we go to management first, we are putting our people into the teeth of this same LR group. Consider giving Professional Standards a chance to resolve your issues. Even if you think it’s not the correct avenue, ask any of our reps and let them determine if they can accept the issue or not. Speaking of our local Professional Standards Reps they are:


    • M’Lynda Jallinger

    • Tony Germann

    • Andy Olsen

    • Pablo Pescador

    • Denise Spencer


Please give them an opportunity to resolve issues at the lowest, confidential, and paperless level. We have enough of an obstacle contending with management, LR, and this administration looking for ways to be punitive that we shouldn’t help them in that quest.

As always, thank you for the opportunity to represent you and be on the look out for further updates regarding the looming Shutdown.

-Alex Navarro III
