To echo Troy's email, this facility is already compliant with the memo. The mention of keeping stints under 2 hours is a "should" and not "shall". The prohibition of splitting mids is something that we do naturally anyway because the entirety of all our mids have hours of overlap on the front or back ends of the shift. 2 people are not solely responsible for 8 hours. The things that will catch the eyes of management is the appearance of stints that far exceed the 2 hour mark or a mid-partner not being re-callable.
For example, 2 people on the mid relieve everyone off the floor. Before they go to 1, they should try and break up the first stint with a brief break to reset the time. If not, the result could be the appearance of being plugged in upwards of 3 1/2 hours.
Another example is not signing in when relieving someone in the middle of the mid-shift. This could also lend to the appearance of a lengthy stint. Although both are easily justified, it could still raise questions.
The other national interest item of this is the ability to recall a mid-partner. If you need to go off-site for food or coffee, Art 33 sec 2 procedures are still applicable. Tell the OM so they know if an area is now truly single person ops. Other than that, be available throughout the mid.
Again, we are compliant with the memo at ZSE. Minor tweaks could help keep eyes off of you, but, we do not have any of the problems that the national guidance is trying to fix. As Troy said, if you hear anything more restrictive from management please let any one of your reps know.