Below is an update from Anthony Goodwin, ZSE NATCA tech rep. If you have any questions, please either post them on this site or you can privately email him at
Hi from your ZSE NATCA Facility Tech Rep. I represent ZSE NATCA on the National User Team, DataComm, and NextGen. Here’s an update on what’s happening that affects us here at ZSE:
EAD600: ZSE upleveled to ERAM build EAD60300 on June 14. As you know by now, EAD6 contains the VCI (Visual Comm Indicator) and several datablock changes. The datablock changes include improved leader line anchor points and improved target location for /0.
A reminder, the VCI was deployed in EAD6 so controllers would get used to marking aircraft on freq before DataComm is deployed. In DataComm, an aircraft must be marked on freq before uplinks can be sent to that aircraft.
VCI usage at ZSE will become mandatory (by agreement) approximately July 15. I don’t know what, if any, enforcement will be used. I would expect it to follow whatever method supes are currently using to enforce the use of a visual comm indicator. I haven’t personally ever seen any supervisor do this.
We (the National User Team) are working on an enhancement that would allow the VCI “//” to be combined with a “/0”. Right now, you can use a macro for that if you’d like.
Any feedback or suggestions you might have about the datablock changes, VCI, or any ERAM functionality can be sent directly to me at or you can text me at 206-276-7205.
EAD7: The first version of EAD7 is being keysited next week by ZFW and ZAB. The main new functionality for controllers in EAD7 is the Auto Pointout, which will let you send and approve pointouts through datablock and ACL indicators, without making phone calls. You’ll get more info in the EAD7 briefings and ELMs. The plan is for an operational EAD7 build to be released late summer/early fall.
Tech Refresh: We’ll be getting new replacement D-side monitors soon. The new monitors are 24” and will have new processors installed to support them. The ACL, DL, and GPD displayed on the new monitors will be the same size they are now. The widescreen D-side displays will allow display of DatComm menus and views.
Also new R-position monitors are being evaluated and will be selected for deployment soon. I’ll get more info to you when it becomes available.
DataComm: DataComm is coming, with the first keysite (ZKC) set to begin controller DataComm Training in early summer 2018. The plan is for ZKC to turn on DataComm in Fall of 2018. For us at ZSE, we’re scheduled to be #20 in the deployment, so we’ll be turning DataComm on here in late 2019/early 2020. You’ll get a lot more info on DataComm and DataComm Training in the next year. The basic DataComm controller training is a 3-day course, classroom and TTL scenarios, and a 1-day refresher course.
Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions!
Thank you,
Anthony Goodwin
ZSE NATCA Facility Tech Rep