As you may have known, NATCA in Washington was May 22-24.  We were able to send Troy Harrison, Derek Salmond, Denise Spencer, James Darlington, Devin Carlisto, and I to represent ZSE.

 This year was one of the most straight-forward "Asks" that we had to deliver to our representatives on Capitol Hill.  Fully fund us for FY 2018.  A bi-partisan letter was drafted by Rep. Steve Knight (R, CA) and Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney (D, NY) that we took to Congress and the Senate and asked them to simply co-sign the letter to ask for full funding in FY 2018.  Signatures are still trickling in and to this point we have over 70 co-sponsors on the letter.

All of our meetings were very productive and all indications pointed to an interest in supporting this letter.  Many of the meetings were with the member of Congress and they all were very appreciative for the hard work that we do for the NAS and America.  The work is never done, however, and if you want to get involved or support our legislative efforts please take a moment to read Troy's email about the PAC and consider helping us out.  Member dues CANNOT be used to support legislative activity.

As always, thank you for allowing us to represent you and this great union and please feel free to reach out to those that attended if you have any questions about NiW 2017.

Alex Navarro III
