Brothers and Sisters,

We are happy to announce that registration for NATCA in Washington 2017 is now open!  Our Union is continually faced with new legislative challenges and this year is no exception.  NATCA in Washington provides us with a tremendous opportunity to spend time on the Hill, educating our elected officials on the vital work that we do.

NATCA in Washington 2017 promises to be our best NATCA in Washington ever!  We are continuing to improve this event each year.  Regardless if you are a veteran attendee or a first-timer, we are confident that you will come away impressed.  We hope you are able to attend and make our collective voice heard on Capitol Hill.  

We know that getting leave is always a challenge.  We understand these challenges.  However, if you are planning to attend but are still trying to work out leave, we encourage you to register.  It is much easier to drop a room from our room block than it is to try and pick one up at the last minute.

Below is the registration link and several other items that should answer some of the basic questions you may have.

In Solidarity,

Steve Weidner, Chair

National Legislative Committee




Dates and Registration Link

NATCA in Washington will be May 22-24, 2017 (Monday - Wednesday).  To register online, please go to:

Registration Deadline

The deadline for registration is April 10, 2017.  Participants will be selected based on the Congressional districts in which they reside.  It is ideal to have as many Congressional districts represented as possible.  

Again, if you wish to attend but are unsure if your leave will be approved, go ahead and register anyway.  Attendance confirmation will be sent out on or about April 14, 2017.  This should give you plenty of time to take advantage of advanced-purchase airfare.  DO NOT purchase airline tickets until you have received confirmation from your regional NLC member that you will be attending AND approval from your local e-board

NATCA in Washington Website

Visit for detailed information on NATCA in Washington.  We are continually updating this website so be sure to check back from time to time.


Transportation to and from Washington D.C. will be at your local’s expense.  Transportation expenses will NOT be reimbursed from the NATCA in Washington budget.  Therefore, please check with your Facrep first before registering.  Any other incidental travel costs (i.e. cabs, tolls, etc) will also be at your local's expense.

Single Room / Roommate Requests

Single rooms are on a first-come, first-served basis.  If you are booked in a single room, you will be responsible for 1/2 of room charges per night (half the cost is approximately $177 per night).  If you do not indicate your choice of room (single or double) it will be assumed you want a roommate and one will be assigned to you.  If you request a double room, but do not specify a roommate, your roommate will be assigned by your regional NLC member.  We always attempt to room members from the same region together (unless specifically requested otherwise), but if there is an odd number of attendees, you may be required to room with someone from another region.

***Please make sure you have coordinated with the roommate you've requested PRIOR to registering.  This will avoid confusion in the rooming process***
***FYI - All rooms at the hotel are non-smoking***

Register Today!

NATCA in Washington is our Union's premier legislative event.  Nobody can explain our jobs and our issues to Congress better than us.  This is an excellent opportunity to get involved and make a difference.  I look forward to seeing everyone in DC.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call or email me.
