As we move into spring break and with summer just around the corner, this is just a reminder that if you have bid leave scheduled, and do not plan on using it, cancel it as soon as possible.

The first thing to keep in mind is that management will more than likely cancel the OT that is being used to cover for the bid leave, therefore the sooner you cancel it, then the person who had their OT canceled goes back to their previous opportunities.

Now if you cancel your leave inside of 24 hours of your shift, there is a possibility that management will not approve it and force you on leave. Additionally if they do approve it, they'll put you on a shift where they need you. For instance, if you would have normally worked a 0600 shift, they could put you on a 1600 shift.

Article 38, section 8 in our CBA states that OT shall not normally be canceled without 7 days notice, however under that "normally" piece, the agency argues that they normally don't cancel OT. Additionally the scheduled OT was for the employees bid leave and since they canceled their leave, OT would no longer be needed.

One more note on OT

Since we are finding ourselves assigning OT to the employees who are on the non-volunteer list, we will be treating them as that they are first in requesting that day off. The rationale there is that they requested those days off (RDOs) when we bid our schedule, and that they are on the "no" list. So lets say someone is "forced" in on OT, and an employee cancels leave, the "forced" OT person would be first in line to go home, if they so choose.



Incoming - Mike Sellman from HCT arrived a few weeks ago, he was in the middle of his training when he got his transfer approved. Mike will be teaming up with Tyler Miranda, who arrives on April 4th. Some of us old timers may remember Tyler as he resigned as a trainee from the C area 12 years ago. Tyler had all his D sides and at that time left the agency to go home (HNL) and become a teacher.

Both Mike and Tyler will be going to the C Area and will be going through a full stage 3 class.

More arrivals...

On April 18th, CPC Jeff Manbeck from ICT, via ZID. Jeff will also be going to the C area.

On May 29th, CPC Joe Castro from ZLA. Right now it looks like he'll be going to the A area.

June 13th, CPC Josh Maria from DCA tower. Area yet to be determined.

New hires

Just found out this week that we are getting 8 in the month of April, and then that is it for the year...which really sucks.

Each area will be receiving the 2 new hires.


AWS update

During our MOU negotiations, management (Gus Rene & Briar) wanted to tie in the fatigue mitigation to AWS, so in reality to keep employees from moving their 9 and 7 hour shifts around. Last year we had several instances when employees moved their 9's and 7 hour shift, it resulted in a 39 and 41 hour work week for that pay period, therefore it triggered an hour of OT. So we agreed that to their proposal, but everything else would be status quo.

Now Gus has interpreted his own rule that they are not allowing 7 hour 0600 shifts on your 5th day because it isn't consistent with the fatigue MOU. The funny thing is that the fatigue MOU doesn't address the 5th shift, therefore he is pulling it out of his ass...I'm not real happy with Gus.

We've elevated this to the front office and are hopeful that Chuck and Tracy can talk some sense into Gus in changing his mind, otherwise we'll elevate this to PAR (Pre Arbitration Review) and present this in front of an Arbitrator. And here is one example we'll give as an employee wishes to work a 7 hour 0600 shift on Sunday, from 8 hours, therefore saving tax payers one hour of Sunday pay each week for the rest of the year.



On Monday June 27th, Andrew Hudson from Cambridge Financial will be at ZSE (from 9 to 5) to discuss the following with our members.

  • Understand the TSP and why the Roth TSP could be a great choice
  • Prepare retirement paperwork for upcoming retirees
  • Save thousands by replacing FEGLI life insurance
  • Add to personal net worth by using strategies like Pension Maximization
  • Answer any questions members have about their benefits

Cambridge is a benefit for NATCA members only.


Contract Update

As of today, the agency and NATCA have Temporarily Agreed Upon (TAU'd) 109 articles of the next contract. Of course they still have the "meat and potatoes" in front of them, ART 24, 32 & 108 - Leave, schedules and pay. lol


Although the team cannot disclose the details of the contract, they have indicated that Art 24 & 32 have been "cleaned up" and will make it easier for facilities to negotiate MOU's on a more consistent basis.

The contract team is optimistic that they should be done be the end of May.



From Paul and Trish...

FEDERAL PAY RAISE UPDATE: Senator Brian Schatz (D-HI) introduced legislation that would give federal employees an across-the-board pay raise of 5.3 percent next year. Specifically, this legislation (S. 2699) would provide employees a 3.9 percent boost plus a 1.4 percent bump in locality pay for 2017. This figure is more than three times President Obama’s proposed 1.6 percent pay raise for federal workers. S. 2699 is the Senate version of a bill introduced by Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA) in the House last month. Democratic lawmakers in both chambers have tried unsuccessfully in the past to give federal employees a bigger annual pay raise than the president’s proposed figure. NATCA GA staff will follow this legislation closely.



Looking for a quick anytime getaway for the family? Look no farther. As a NATCA member you are now also a member of the Preferred Pack Club at the Great Wolf Lodge Resorts.

NATCA has partnered with Great Wolf Lodge to bring NATCA members a 20 percent discount off the best available rates at any one of a dozen Great Wolf Lodge locations. There is something for everyone at Great Wolf Lodge including a colossal indoor water park heated to 84 degrees, themed restaurants, and more.

So book your travel vacation to a Great Wolf Lodge resort near you at a 20 percent discount. You will have to present your NATCA member ID at check in.

For more information or to make reservations please click HERE.




We are shooting for an all members meeting somewhere during the week of May 9th.

Agenda items will include - Privatization, Contract update, staffing, Local Constitution, Convention & a solidarity event.


Lastly we hear that ZSE has been doing an excellent job in participating in the ATSAT validation. The agency is counting on us to validate the ATSAT prior to this falls new hire announcement. Thank you for your participation.

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