I just want to clarify a few things for Non Prime Time Leave.
1) Prime Time will be round 1, where you get to bid up to two weeks (consecutive or non) of guaranteed leave.
2) Non Prime time is rounds 2 and on, where you only get to bid up to a week.
All Prime and Non Prime Time leave is guaranteed.
If you elect to make your WMT leave request into Non Prime Time between January 10th and March 5th, that opportunity will count against your bid leave for the year. For example:
I earn 20 days a year, and I elect to change 3 days in February from WMT leave to NPT (guaranteed), Then I will be able to bid 17 days of leave when the bidding process begins. You still get to bid up to 2 weeks of Prime in your first round and up to 5 days in subsequent round until you've exhausted your accrued leave.
We are currently working on PP03, PP04 & PP05 on NPT, and we're hoping to get the leave approved (in the 3 slots) once everyone has responded.
Just a reminder that we will have our members only meeting on Monday the 11th at the Spunky Monkey at 3pm. This will be the only opportunity to get a briefing on the bidding process, there will not be any briefings at work...also, bring a coat, it may be a little cold in their basement. :-)