Good evening,

I just wanted to clear the air on a couple of issues that have cropped up as bidding is underway.

1. Holidays DO NOT count against a BUE's accrued leave for 2016.  This includes in lieu holidays.

2. You cannot reserve a guaranteed PT/NPT slot on your RDO.  We sought outside interpretation on this on Jan 14 and the feedback is that it is not allowed.  However, you can annotate the RDO(s) in question you would like protected and we’ll keep track in the event of an RDO change down the line.  Remember, voluntary RDO changes have zero protection of PT/NPT leave.

3.  For this MOU, “consecutive days” can only be interrupted by your RDO’s.  For example:

·         If you were on Sat/Sun, you can bid Mon-Fri, or Wed-Following Tues, etc.

·         If you were on Sat/ Sun and Wed was maxed out, you COULD NOT bid M, T, TH, F, as the consecutive streak ends at Tuesday.  You would have to use separate weeks.

Please keep asking us questions. We know that this is an accelerated process but it doesn’t have to be a confusing one.  While this present situation isn’t ideal, the foundation that it set is amazing.  It will get better.