MOU Impasse update
RVP Doug Pincock is meeting with Western Service Area Director Kim Stover on Tuesday to discuss our MOU impasse. Doug speculates that he will not be able to resolve our issues at this level therefore he anticipates elevating it to National.
In the meantime here is an idea on what we are looking at for when we do transition into next years schedule. Now remember, this is all HYPOTHETICAL.
Say an agreement comes down this Friday (December 11).
We would meet with management on 12/14 to hammer out the details, meanwhile the admin office will need the rest of the week and possibly then next to put together the bid books, verify schedules and seniority. I know one could say "why do they need a week or two for this when they've had two months to do this?", well what they (admin office) currently have (leave books) will probably be very different once the decision comes down from National. Additionally we may need to re-work the language in the MOU's.
From there we would then begin our bidding on or about the 28th (Monday), where it would take each area about 2-3 weeks to bid their RDO's and leave.
This puts us at January 18th, where the schedule office would then work on a schedule for PP06, which would show us transitioning to the 2016 schedule during the week of February 21st.
Hopefully this hypothetical schedule gives you an idea where we are at and how far out you may need to put in for web schedule leave.