Schedule bidding update:
It looks like we're still not on the same page with Non Prime Time Leave, therefore we are still working this piece. I cannot get into specifics at this time since we are still in negotiations. Right now I don't know what it looks like for a time frame on when we will begin our bidding but we will update you as soon as we can.
Ballots will be going out for the 2016-17 Executive Board positions Tuesday afternoon. Here are the races in alphabetical order:
Vice President: Alex Navarro & Drew Stewart
Secretary: Derek Adams & Brian Deren
Treasurer: Devin Carlisto & Garret Wilkerson
A Area Rep: Brooke Dawson & Paul Skorniakoff
Ballots must returned by 20th and will be counted on Saturday the 21st. If you do not receive a ballot by Saturday November 7th, please let Danny Pace or myself know asap.
Auburn Police Department at ZSE
Wednesday around noon, the APD will be at the facility taking a tour and looking at planning an active shooter event for sometime down the road.