Back on November 13th (our last update), schedule negotiations came to a halt. Management was limited to 710 leave slots per area, where we need around 1200 slots (includes 10 holidays per controller) to be in-compliance with our contract, or in other words, to use enough leave for what everyone would accrue.
Since then, we elevated this to the Regional level, where it was then kicked back to us to get essentially our "ducks in a row", therefore if or when it goes to arbitration, we'll have our case built for us. As it stands now, we have formally exchanged our final proposals and will be sending them up to the Region ASAP.
From here my guess is that it will go beyond the Regional level up to National and that is where they may give in a tad bit, and give us a few more slots and hope that we settle.
I've been doing this for 10 years and seen the Agency do the "slow play" during the white book (FAA Imposed work rules where they cut new hire pay by up to 30%). The Agency plays the stall game and hopes that we eventually crack and settle. Anchorage and Oakland Center have settled and accepted less that what they are entitled too, but they are not us and maybe their staffing is better.
ZLC & ZDV are in the same boat as us, and we will ride this out until we get what is our contractual right (and that would be the same thing that all the Centers are getting in the Eastern and Central Service Areas).
If we were to accept the Agency's last offer, anyone after the number 12 senior person in each area would not get any opportunity for Summer leave. Additionally in the A, B & C areas, you would not be able to secure any leave outside of the Non-Prime Time area (which means SF-71 or Web-schedule leave will be non-existent) next year because of our staffing shortage.
This staffing shortage is a direct result of the poor planning on the Agency. ZSE did not bring in a new hire for about a 3 year period (with the exception of one). That isn't our's or Chuck's fault, it is on the Government and now we are facing a staffing crisis that will be here for the next few years.
Thanks again for your support, and if you have any questions, ideas or concerns, please let me know.