B Area-
Mark Trott is going to be my alternate rep. Thank you to him for taking on the extra work. Starting in
2023 I will be on M/T mid and Mark is on S/S mid.
Congrats to Nick Meyer as the newest B Area CPC!
Also starting in 2023 I would like to get some volunteers to be a NATCA crew lead. PB has volunteered
to be the lead on T/F. This person would be their crew’s or crews first contact and be in direct
communication with Mark and I as the Area’s Reps. The reason I would like to move to this model is to
reduce the amount of time I spend having the same conversation with multiple members. This person
would have the ability to deal with the day to day stuff that is happening with management or just be
there to give you info about what we are working on as an area. This is a good opportunity if you are
looking to get involved or are ever interested in being the Area Rep but don’t have the time to fully
devote to it right now.
This month has been a busy one with the transition of B Area leadership. I also had an Article 8 meeting
with Joe this week about getting rid of the Sector 35 mandate. Joe and I were in agreement that the
mandate should be terminated. We are not saying that Sector 35 should always be combined. We don’t
think it is necessary to ask for the OM’s approval to do so. CIC/Supes are more than qualified to make
that decision.