So the announcement states to notify by COB 5/25/16, but we are trying to expedite the bidding this time so that we can get both Brians move and the winner of this line by PP 15. If you can reply with a simple yes or no (you can reply directly to this email or it would be greatly appreciated.
Date: 05/18/16
Brian Hach won the last bid, so now there will be a SAT/SUN RDO schedule line open
Mon 16
Tue 1330NF
Wed 08
Thurs 06
Fri 2230
This move will occur no sooner than PP 15.
This vacancy shall be filled by the CPC volunteer with the highest seniority. If you wish
to be considered for this vacancy, fill out a SCHEDULE VACANCY BID FORM (or tell
Joe or Kip) and submit it to the Area Scheduler no later than COB 5/25/16.
Remember: If you make a voluntary RDO change, you are not guaranteed to get
Prime/Non-Prime leave on the days that used to be your RDOs.