Hello all!

Over-Time- There will be a lot of OT assigned coming up for a lot of folks. They are starting to have to assign OT to people on the NO LIST. Everyone, please check the OT Assignment List above the bay headers and your ZSE mailbox periodically for any OT Assignments.

NATCA Solidarity Event-It was a good turn-out at the ACME Bowling Center last night and it was great to hear Trish Gilbert and John Carr (former NATCA Prez.) speak to all of our members. I apologize for not thinking about sending out a reminder about this event. Hopefully, I'll remember for the next one. I urge everyone to try to make it to these events, especially if you've never attended one.

Santo's Going-Away : (  -Please have your donations towards a little sumthin', sumthin' for Santo in the manila envelope (B-Area Supes Desk) by the end of this week. Remember, his party is FRIDAY, FEB 5TH 4-9PM @ BILLY MCHALES (1320 S. 324th St. Ste A10, Federal Way). You should go. It will be fun!

Bidding-Thank you all for your patience through the bidding process. We seem to be getting through faster with each round. We are almost halfway through Round 3 with the CPC's and close to finishing Round 1 with the Developmentals.

That's all I have for now. Any questions, comments or concerns please ask someone else (j/k!) or email me ligayaandrews@gmail.com or text 312-952-3191.

Your BFF until June or whenever Kip comes back,


