Hi everyone,
By now, most of you should have received the briefing for the RDM LOA changes coming soon. I don't have an exact date, but we will all be briefed again by the Airspace department before it goes into effect. I want to thank everyone for their input during the briefings this week as we have a lot to look at moving forward with the possible redesign and what is best for the B-Area and the users. This update will be posted in the B-Area Updates page of the ZSE Natca Website where you can comment on any of the issues that you think need to looked at discussed further in depth.
SCHEDULE - I will be meeting with John Lawson next Tuesday to go over next year's schedule. I want to thank Jeff Enticknap for working with me to build a new schedule. This becomes very difficult as we have to adjust our numbers for the possibilities of retirements and such. It looks like we have the possibility of losing 7 people by the end of 2016. That is a huge number of losses for the B-Area if that happens.
LLOYD - I talked to Lloyd tonight and he is healing very well. It looks like he will be back on August 9th. He said to say hi to everyone!!
ARTICLE 5 - As of tonight, I have two names interested in the R-Side Class from 9/8/15 - 10/9/15. If you are interested in teaching the class, please email me by COB tomorrow night 7/25/15 to submit your name. We will be finalizing the selection on Tuesday afternoon.
OJTI CLASS - Aaron McMorran and Lindsay Williams are scheduled to attend the class from 9/15 - 9/18/15.
TRANSITION SPEED REMINDER - If you plan to run a tight sequence, it is probably a good idea to remind the aircraft to transition to the published speed of 280K. We still had a few issues this past week of aircraft not seeing the note on the STAR and were well above the speed restriction causing an overtake situation on the aircraft in front. It's just a safety net for us all.
FATIGUE MITIGATION - This is just a reminder that due to fatigue mitigation requirements, the controllers that work mid-shifts are the last to be selected to work third swings to cover for leave purposes. If you have any questions, please let me know.
Rick Lund
B-Area Rep