Hello everyone,

All area's are encouraged to post here on the use of interim altitude throughout ZSE.

The Safety Team is taking a look at the question being brought up by many employees throughout ZSE (a lot coming from the B & D areas) in regards to having the data block reflect what the aircraft is doing. We have quite a few instances in all the areas where putting in FL230 as an interim altitude in the data block will not only show what the aircraft is climbing to, but also who it is coming from (IE: low or high altitude sector). I would like to list some examples from all the areas and get a perspective from everyone so that we can really see if this is an issue that we want to pursue. Once you take a look at the examples listed below, please comment with your suggestions, as everyone can blog on this topic which will help make a case moving forward. 

Please note that we need to be professional, respect everyone's opinions, and no derogatory comments towards another employee.

Here are some examples where the use of FL230 or other interim altitude is being talked about.

1. (B area to D area) - EUG departures eastbound requesting above FL230. Sector 6 will usually point out aircraft to sector 36. Hand off the aircraft to sector 13 still showing an altitude such as FL370 in the data block. Sector 13 thinks that the aircraft is climbing to FL370 but then has to back coordinate a point out with sector 46 when the aircraft checks on frequency stopped at FL230. 

2. (D area to B area) - MFR departures northbound to SEA show aircraft climbing to FL240 in the data block. The aircraft come over climbing to FL230 where sector 46 has to point out to sector 15 for climb. Another instance is where the aircraft is climbing to FL240 underneath sector 46 when it should have been FL230 due to the boundary. 

3. (C area to B area) - Aircraft off of YKM or PSC southbound are usually climbing to only FL230, but their data block shows an altitude above FL240. Sector 16 has to then call back to sector 47 for a point out after the aircraft has checked on frequency stopped at FL230.

4. (B area to A area) - Aircraft northeast bound to sector 32 are handed off by P80 to sector 34. Sector 34 climbs aircraft to FL230 but the data block shows an altitude above FL240. Sector 32 has to back coordinate with sector 16 on a point out.

5. Low altitude to High altitude sectors in your own area. IE: Sector 6 hands off aircraft to sector 46 with altitude above FL240. Should we actually show interim altitude of FL230 in the data block and why?

These are just a few examples listed and I'm sure there are many more. Again, please take a few minutes to see what others are talking about and let us know what you think.

Thanks for taking the time to read...

Rick Lund

B-Area Rep