
Hope everyone is having a good week. Not a ton going on right now just a few reminder items.

Refresher Training

Matt Dippe is working hard on our refresher training but is currently the only one who has volunteered. Ideally we would have 4 people to help do this so the workload is lightened a little. If you have an interest in this, please let me or your supervisor know ASAP.

MOU Season

We are getting closer and closer to beginning MOU negotiations. Please let me, Derek, or Amy know if you have something you didn’t like from last year’s MOUs that you want to see changed so we can try to do that.

Nominations are Open

Don’t forget! Nominations are only open until Thursday. Nomination forms are by the reading room. Fill one out and drop it in the black box.

That’s all I have for now!

In Solidarity,
