Hope everyone had a good and safe Fourth. Last week I sent out an email that had a fair amount of substance to it. I got no replies on some things that I was surprised I got no replies on. If your silence means that you are fine with whatever I decide - I am good with that. I just wanna make sure you all have the chance to share your opinions ahead of time. I am going to include some of those same topics in this email in hopes of getting replies.
Feeling Sick at Work/OSHA Concerns
I posted this in slack as well — Several people have mentioned getting headaches and feeling rundown at work as well as a metallic taste in their mouth. This was reported to B area supe Joe Herrera who turned it in to Kevin Nolan. He talked to the SOC about it and they discovered a fan belt that was broken on something in that hallway right outside the control room. They fixed it and think that it might solve the issue. They said it was not attached to the HVAC system. They also said there is no reason to believe it is asbestos related.
I am not going accept that as a final answer though and I have reached out to see what our regional OSHA rep says. I’ll let you guys know more as I know more.
LMT/LKV ROUTINGS (repeat topic)
As you all know, we have been working on getting the arrival changed to have the routes to SEA be over KNZIE and KAATH. That is still a ways out so I have been looking for a way to make minor changes in the meantime. I am reluctant to try to get ZOA to send all SEA arrivals back over BTG because that would undo all of the work that we put into having built in holding at KNGDM and BLYTZ. So that being said, what do you all think about giving ZOA the ability to send SEA arrivals direct to KNGDM or BLYTZ at their discretion? This would move that traffic flow slightly while still putting the aircraft over fixes that have a published hold. I would like to think this would also help ZOA, but after talking to airspace about it, I have some concerns that they might push back on it. Either way, let me know your thoughts on this so I can try to start making moves to accomplish whatever you guys want, regardless of what that is.
REFRESHER (still need volunteers)
Refresher is a great opportunity to teach the whole area something that you see as a deficiency. Maybe a pet peeve you want to straighten people out on?
D-Area is scheduled for September 9-13, 2019. Let me know by 7/13 if you want to be an instructor or have recommended topics.
D-Side Class
We still need volunteers for the upcoming D-Side Class (Elliot Ford and Robert Morgan). The dates are 8/26-10/18. Please let me or your supe know by 7/13 if interested.
So last week I gave options between fix posting strips. I got one vote that was for the cleaner one. I am onboard with that. I just want to clarify that as it stands now, we have to post when sector 05 is open. Using the strip without that memory aid would mean that we need to post the GI to indicate it is open. What would you guys rather have? Memory aid on the strip or the GI?
Lots of tricky schedule stuff going on these days. Don’t hesitate to ask if you are confused or concerned about how something was approved/denied. One last thing, big thanks to ZD for volunteering for SGET duties. If anyone else is interested, please let me know ASAP.
In Solidarity,