Hope everyone is having a good week. Baby is healthy and happy for those that have been asking. I appreciate all the congratulations/well wishes very much. I am still adjusting to the new sleep cycle of waking up every 2 hours. I was able to attend an Eboard meeting last Friday and we had some in depth discussions about where to go from here with the Local now that Alex will be leaving us. You can expect an email from Derek Adams in the near future regarding that.
Just a few other quick things.
New Arrival
Academy Grad Robert Morgan will be arriving arriving 4/1 and coming to the D area. I won’t be back in the building for at least another week so if you guys want to go up there and great him, that would be awesome.
Article 5 Instructors Still Needed
Jeremy Papa and Miles Hamper still need an instructor. It will be a D side class. The dates will be May 28th - July 12th. Let me, Amy, or your supervisor know if you are interested.
In Solidarity,