Bill is now the oldest controller at ZSE. I am assuming that anyway. Hope everyone is having a pleasant St. Patrick’s Day. Drive safe or call a Lyft/Uber. You all make too much money to cheap out on a ride home and get yourself in trouble. Call me and I will call you one.

Anyway, here is the update.


As previously briefed, the original NATCA/UNUM Long Term Disability (LTD) Open Enrollment period, that was scheduled to begin February 1st, was postponed due to the Government Shutdown. The National Benefits Committee worked with UNUM and our Public Affairs Department to reschedule the Open Enrollment period to start May 1st and end on July 31st. More info on this to follow as it gets closer. Keep your eyes peeled.

2300 Mids

Lee has mentioned to me, without any supporting information, that he doesn’t like the 2300 mids. He says that we are having to combine sectors too early and that we will end up needing to hold people over in the summer to match up with traffic. He wants our mids to start at 2230. I have no interest in changing our schedule mid year. If evidence begins to pile up that we should though, I will have to at least look at it. However, I have seen absolutely nothing that supports changing our shift start times for any shift this year. If you disagree with that, please let me know so I can address it. Especially if you are a 1600er or a Midder.

AWS 7s and 9s

There has been some confusion amongst the ranks of mgmt as to whether or not someone can request a 7hr and 9hr shift on a weekly basis. Alex and Don are discussing this at the facility level. However, we have done it in the past. The contract supports it as does our MOU. If you run into an issue where this is denied for no other reason than mgmt thinking they can’t approve it. Please let me know.

ACV Shack

ACV has a need to replace the shelter for RWY 32 ILS LOC. The proposed dates of construction are 4/2/2019 thru 4/19/2019. NOTAMs and briefings to follow. Just a heads up.

Article 5 Needed

Class 1932 (Jeremy Papa and Miles Hamper) needs an instructor. This will be a D-side class that runs from May 28th to July 12th. Let me know if you are interested.

Side note - I had no idea how they number those classes and Liz explained it to me. Thought you guys might be interested to know as well. Maybe I’m the only one who didn’t know. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The class name (1932) means year 2019 (19), D side (3), sequential number class throughout the year (2nd D side class of the year).

Shutdown Lawsuit

From RVP Eddie De Lisle regarding the shutdown lawsuit:


We are still compiling data for our shutdown lawsuit. Please forward the below information to me as soon as possible.

Now that PP04 has been paid, our members should have been made whole for PP02 overtime. In order to better pursue our lawsuit can you please ask facreps for information from members who worked overtime in PP02 during the shutdown if they have received that pay and if they have received a proper accounting of that pay in an LES. If there are members who have not please send me the specifics and copies of the LES. Even if they have received pay, if they haven’t received an accounting we need to know.

So if this applies to you, let me know ASAP.

That’s it!

In Solidarity,
