It’s officially my last day as rep and I wanted to send out a quick email to say thank you for letting me be your rep and also thank you for keeping it exciting. That last 2 years have been quite eventful. It was an honor to be your rep. I have learned so much about myself, our Union, all of you, and about how to be a better rep.
I am very happy to hand the keys over to Trevor, I think he is gonna do a great job. I will still be around to help whenever you guys need me but I am looking forward to a little break from the rep game.
I also want take one more chance to give major props to everyone who stepped up to help make our area better by sacrificing their own time and their breaks for the greater good of the area. This list is far from everyone who helped out but just a few who deserve some recognition.
Angie — Y’all don’t see the behind the scenes work she puts in on our schedule. She goes way out of her way and makes sure all undesirable shifts are evenly distributed and tracks it all. Other areas don’t do that, she goes above and beyond for us and we are lucky for that. Tell her thank you next time you see her.
Garret — Garret is also invaluable to the area. Anytime some complicated airspace issue comes up that is over my head, which to be honest is pretty much all of it, Garrett is always there to type up a thorough email explaining it or to do the aims tickets to get stuff fixed. Tell him thanks next time you see him too.
Matt, Steve, Zach, Theresa, Amy, and anyone else I may have forgotten who stepped up over the past few years to be either Article 5 trainers, Refresher, IST, all that stuff. It is really hard to get volunteers for stuff like that and we are constantly leaning on the same people for it.
Also thanks to everyone who for the last 2 years just showed up, worked your airplanes and went home. Even if you don’t volunteer for stuff, you do help carry the weight when those who do volunteer are away from the operation. I appreciate you for that.
It takes all of us helping out to make our work environment as good as we can get it.
Thanks again to everyone for bearing with me and helping out when I asked. Couldn't have done this term without you guys.
In Solidarity,