
Hopefully everyone scored big on Black Friday deals or is gearing up for cyber Monday. I just made my amazon wishlist public so y’all don’t have to fret about getting me the wrong gift, there should be plenty to choose from in there. (That’s a joke just in case that doesn’t come across via email).

Get Your Leave Requests While They’re Hot!

Webscheduler is officially open for requests now so don’t forget to go back and add all those days you forgot or couldn’t get during the bid. Anniversaries, Holidays in lieu of, Super Bowl Sunday, maybe your dog’s birthday?

Worked a Busy Session on 14 Recently?

I am planning to meet with Lee and Randy Vincent next week about lowering the MAP number on Sector 14. This will have many benefits for us, the least of which is notifying supes that we are actually busy. The current algorithm (determined by some government acronym I have never heard of and not by air traffic controllers) or whatever used to determine when that sector goes red says that we should be red at 21 airplanes. I think 21 airplanes in Sector 14 alone while metering and sequencing to PDX is damn near unworkable. We are able to lower that by 3 in house, which we have done. So it is currently at 18. I am trying to get it down to 14 or 15. I need help from you guys to do this. Any time you are working 14 by itself and it is busy, particularly with metering and PDX sequences, write down the date and time and forward it on to me. This will help me make our case.

Looking forward to seeing everyone at the Holiday Party on Saturday night!

In Solidarity,
