
The bid is finally complete. All of the slots were taken so there will be no pre-approved remaining leave slots throughout the year. Thank you to everyone who helped make it go smoothly. BidATC was a big learning experience for all of us. Please make sure you share any concerns with your reps. We have an all members meeting at Oddfellas on Dec 9th from 2-4pm. There will be time to discuss any suggestions or concerns about bidATC at that meeting as well.

Webscheduler Requests

You can officially begin inputting requests into Webscheduler for the 2020 leave year on 12/1/19 at 12am.  So the second it becomes December, you are free to request any leave for the 2020 leave year. The webscheduler will accept them prior to that, they just won’t be legal so be careful. Make sure you wait until midnight.

Any leave requests input prior to then for the 2020 leave year will be deleted.

In Solidarity,
