
Bid is back up and running but we are still on a tight timetable so don’t dawdle too long on your turn. As many of you have probably heard, our CPC-IT from PHL, Katrina Linder has been moved to the A Area. They had a bigger need than us right not so it worked out good for everyone.

A lot has been put on hold while we did the MOUs and bid but I am still working on changing the MAP numbers, getting a/c direct BLYTZ/KNGDM, and at some point the ultra high Art 114. Just wanted you guys to know I didn’t forget.

The only other thing of note is from a briefing that hopefully you all already got but just in case I have attached the slides from the airspace presentation regarding the lowering of several MIAs.

Let me know if you have any issues with the bid (Or anything else).

In Solidarity,
