Round 4 has officially begun. This round is ONLY FOR 208 HOUR EARNERS. Those eligible to bid in this round may bid up to 6 days wherever they want to. I am not sure the website will stop you from bidding if you are not a 208 earner so if it gets to you and you only earn 6 hours of leave per pay period, DO NOT BID. I will be doing my best to skip those people who are not eligible manually but I don’t know what level of success I will have.
These are the only people ALLOWED TO BID:
NG - only 2 days
I am the last one to bid in round 4 so I will just stop the bid after me. So really just Caleb, Hadzick, Dippe, and Morgan need to make sure if it gets to you, you skip your bid in round 4.
Dream Sheets
Angie and I have gone through all of the dream sheets and we were able to get a fair amount of them approved but not all of them. Angie will be reaching out to everyone who submitted one to let them know whether or not their requests were approved and why. I want to make one thing clear though, these dream lines are called that for a reason. They are approved based on a full compliment of controllers. That means no one on leave, no DQs, nothing. If any of that changes, your dream sheet will revert to your bid line immediately. There are also some things that we were only able to convince Lee to do on a trial basis. If your dream sheet schedule ends up not working out, expect it to get converted back to your bid line.
Article 32 Section 6 of the CBA will, of course, still apply:
The Parties recognize that changing an employee's posted watch schedule is undesirable. The Agency will normally give no less than seven (7) days notice of its intention to modify a posted watch schedule. In such case, it shall attempt to avoid the change by soliciting qualified volunteers for forty-eight (48) hours. If the Agency determines it is necessary to modify a posted watch schedule with less than seven (7) days notice, it will make reasonable efforts to secure qualified volunteers. Changes with less than seven (7) days notice shall not be made for the purpose of avoiding payment of overtime, holiday, or other premium pay. If an employee's shift is involuntarily changed with less than seven (7) days notice, the affected employee shall be paid any night time differentials to which he/she would otherwise have been entitled, had they worked that shift.
In Solidarity,