
The bid begins tomorrow. 11 people have not yet signed up for bidATC. You will receive your notification from bidATC when it is your turn. I recommend setting text alerts for notification.

The following people have yet to sign up for bidATC:











If anyone of you that have signed up see these people on a regular basis, feel free to offer to help them set up their account. I know bidATC is new for us and there will be a bit of an adjustment period so let’s help each other out where we can. Shoot me or Trevor a text for your member number if you need it.

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Seeing BTG Times

Garret and I have been working with FAST on seeing the BTG times and one of the questions we had was if you show the delay in the data block then which delay will you get? BTG or the arc? Here is the answer we got:

Meter Reference Point View Entry Selection Rules

EDSM will select which Meter Reference Point View Entry to use for the display of the TMA STA and DCT data in the RDB for the flight. Multiple Meter Reference Point View Entries can exist for a flight at the sector position. When multiple Meter Reference Point View Entries exist for the flight EDSM will use the Meter Reference Point View Entry for the flight with the Scheduled Time of Arrival furthest in the future. If the selected entry is suppressed at the sector position no RDB TMA STA or DCT is displayed for the flight.

When a flight has multiple entries in the MRP View (suppressed or unsuppressed), EDSM shall(EDSMa37196) select the MRP View entry for the flight with the Scheduled Time of Arrival furthest in the future. If the MRP View entry for the flight with the Scheduled Time of Arrival furthest in the future is suppressed, the other MRP View entries for the flight will not be used. When the selected MRP View entry is suppressed the RDB TMA STA and DCT are not displayed.

So in this case if we have TBFM send the BTG/J and the BTG/OP1 crossing and delay times to the D Area sectors in ERAM, the RDB countdown timer in the FDB would reflect the time associated with BTG/J since it would be furthest in the future.

If desired, we could always write an ERAM ER asking to have an adaptable parameter where each site could chose to use either the time furthest in the future or closest to the present; or something to that effect.

So the short answer is that we would see the BTG time/delay in the data block. So we would want to get the delay to 0 or if you are showing the actual time then you would want to get it down to within 5 minutes.

Is this something we want to try? I know it would require a little math but it seems like this would be an overall positive thing. Let me know your thoughts. On a related note — I am going to be pushing the supes in the next few months to start having crew breakouts with the B area. With our increased traffic and the fact that we are now eating the majority of the delay, I think it would be good for us to sit down with them and clear the air on some issues.


Sentry Eagle is making its comeback in 2020. Get hyped. Shadow has said they can be available to work it. Do we want that or would we rather just do it ourselves?

Y’all can reply directly to this email with any answers to my questions as well as concerns/issues.

In Solidarity,
