
I hope everyone is surviving the shutdown ok. I just have a few quick things for you guys. Some of which Alex covered in his update as well. I hope you don’t mind the minor changes I made to the email structure to reflect recent events. 🤠

Denied Webscheduler Requests

Ok so here is the requirement for leave to be addresses per A24S14:

Leave requests for the shift being worked shall be approved/disapproved subject to staffing and workload within thirty (30) minutes of the request being made. Leave requests for future shifts shall be approved/disapproved subject to staffing and workload within two (2) hours of when the request was made, or prior to the end of the shift, whichever is less. 

And here is the requirement for shift change requests per A32S8:

When considering an individual request for a shift and/or days off change, the Agency will consider the staffing and workload of the losing and gaining shift as a precondition to approval. If it is determined that those needs are adequately met, the change shall be approved.

We are working hard to get the agency to comply with these two sections of the contract. This means that you will see more denials. You should see nothing left pending unless it fits under the timelines in A24S14. Denials are not necessarily final. Feel free to address them with your supervisor and keep me in the loop on anything that seems fishy.

The phrase in A32S8 “If it is determined that those needs are adequately met” reads to me that if we are 2 above guides on one shift and at guides on the other, you should easily be able to move from the over guides shift to the at guides shift. If you see a situation like this denied, let me know.

There are a million different possible scenarios that I don’t wanna get too deep into here but if you see one that looks off, or you think should have been approved, please let me know ASAP. I am happy to look into any of those.

Shutdown Info

As this thing drags on and on with no end in sight the threat of not receiving a paycheck is very real. Alex covered a lot of the known things in his email Friday so I won’t rehash all of that. I will just leave links to all the documents related to the shutdown here:

As always, let me know if I can do anything for you guys.

In Solidarity,
