
Hope everyone is having a good week.  This has been an interesting one with PDX metering and a few other things I wanted to bring you up to speed on so do your best to read all the way through.

First off, don't forget that today is Half Christmas!  Cookout at my house starts at 3pm.  4102 Lakeridge Dr E, Lake Tapps, WA 98391.


National Election

Today ballots are being mailed out for the 2018 NATCA National Election. If you registered to vote electronically, you will not receive a ballot by mail however you should be receiving an email from GES today.   You may still vote electronically using the GES registration site if you didn't pre-register. If you cast an electronic ballot and a mail ballot, only the electronic ballot will be counted. 

The GES registration site will close at 5:00 pm EDT on Sunday, July 29, 2018. For those who registered to vote electronically by this deadline, electronic voting will close at 11:59 pm EDT on Monday, July 30, 2018. If you have any problems with the registration or electronic voting process, please contact the GES Helpdesk at 1-800-864-1263 or If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact the NATCA National Election Committee at

You can find campaign material for all candidates on the bulletin board or via their websites listed below,

Paul and Trish

Bryan Zilonis

Dave Riley


SEA Metering Arc(s)

We are still trying to get the meter arcs combined for SEA.  Keeley Amundson met with FAST last week and it was determined they could have all the OP arcs combined into one and depicted on the scopes properly on August 16th.  They are very backed up but that is the tentative plan.  TMU promises to put a memo out to the floor before it happens.


PDX Metering

After the total shit show that some of us had the pleasure of going through this past week, it seems like we have settled on a plan to get us through to Thursday.  Supposedly the runway construction will be done then and we can go back to normal ops.  I plan to request an Art 114 workgroup to hammer out a plan in case we have to do this again in the future.  Thanks to those of you who stepped up for that.  

This is the interim plan: 06 takes 2 minutes, 42 takes 2 minutes, D area takes the rest. We will be using the boundary as the point we meter to. As I said before, keep me posted on issues.


Blood Leave

Article 29 Section 2 of the CBA: Employees may be allowed up to four (4) hours excused absence based on staffing and workload in connection with each blood or platelet donation. If proof of attendance is required, employees shall be notified in advance.

Jason Alliston has instructed all of the supervisors to begin asking for proof of attendance when blood leave is approved.  So if you are prompted to do so, make sure you have that proof to provide.


2019 Schedule

Still working on hammering this all out, big shout out to Chico again for his help.  I am meeting with Jason Alliston this coming Saturday and I think I have a pretty good idea of what I want to propose.  I have only had one person approach me about a schedule idea so hopefully what I come up with works for all of you.  I don't plan to send out a bunch of schedule options during the negotiation process but I do have a good idea of what I think you guys want and I will do my best to accomplish that.  I'll let you know when Jason and I agree on something.

I do have one question...the best schedule option that we've built so far includes a line that has Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday RDOs with 4 10s that would be all 1000-2000.  That line really helps the schedule out.  It's kind of a lynchpin to the whole thing.  However, I need to make sure that someone would want that line and be willing to attach their name to it prior to the bid process.  I definitely don't want to force someone to a line like that.  So if you have an interest in a line like that, please let me know.  You can reply directly to this email and it will go to me.


Solidarity BBQ

Don't forget to mark your calendars for the upcoming Solidarity BBQ on Alki.  Amy has been putting a lot of work into that and I think it's gonna be a lot of fun.  There will be a raffle with totally rad prizes.

Friday, July 6th from 10am to 10pm.  

Alki Park (1702 Alki Ave SW, Seattle)

Be there or be square.


That's it!  Hope to see you all at my house today at 3pm!


In Solidarity,

