
I hope everyone is having a good week.  3 quick things for you.


Line Vacancy

There is currently a solicitation up to fill a Sat/Sun no mid line.  It is looking like Amy is going to get that and then we will bid out her line.  Please remember to check the sheet.  It doesn't take that long to do.  There is no reason this should take several weeks to finish.


Credit Solicitation

You may have seen in the area there was a posting to solicit for credit hours on certain shifts to cover for CIC class.  I think there is some confusion about this.  The agency absolutely can solicit for credit hours as long as they do so equitably (Article 34 Section 8 of the Slate Book).  If they solicit for credit hours and then assign OT, that is not ok.  That would be grieved.  If OT needs to be added to the schedule, then it must be OT, regardless of who volunteered for credit. I will be working with Jason Alliston in the future to develop a process that we can count on to be used every time with regards to credit solicitation.  I think we can do better than taping it to the sign in computer.


Talk to Me

There has been a rash of issues brought to me by people other than the ones that they happened to.  I don't see myself as someone who is difficult to talk to so this is hard for me to understand.  I have several avenues that you can contact me through that I am always monitoring.  You all have my number, my email, and if you want to ask a question publicly, the slack.  So I am having trouble understanding why so many issues never make it all the way to me.  I hear about them after the fact, through someone else, or not at all.  I would like to encourage you all to bring any issue to me.  No matter how small.  I know I play around a lot, but I am not mean, I promise.  I am here for you guys and I can only be as good of a rep as you will let me be.


That's it for this week.  Hope you guys are out enjoying this nice weather!


In Solidarity,

