
I hope everyone is having a good week.  NATCA in Washington is currently taking place in DC.  We have a few people up there right now.  NATCA National is posting about it across all media platforms if you are interested in that.  I have been to the event 5 times myself and it is definitely an experience I recommend.  Click HERE to see more info about it (login required).

Alright, here is what I have for you this week.


Special Election

First and foremost, there is an all members meeting on 5/30 at 3 pm at the Rainbow Cafe.  This is the meeting where we will be voting on whether or not to amend our local constitution.  If the proposed amendment passes then we will have a special election to determine our next VP.  If the amendment fails then the Local Executive Board will be forced to appoint someone.  Make sure you get yourself to this meeting if you have an opinion about how we do this.


Webscheduler Logins

The agency briefed us as though there was going to be some big change to how we sign in to webscheduler but so for I haven't seen any change.  If you have any issues with it, make sure you let your supe know.



EUG has been in contact with us over the last few weeks about getting some things added to their letter.  The following is what they are requesting:

For 36 

-Adding a Courtesy Call on IR346

-Adding 5 in trail or lateral separation on aircraft landing EUG airspace. 

-ZSE control on contact for all RBG / OTH landers.

-ZSE control for turns up to 30° on aircraft leaving airspace

-EUG landers crossing 35 DME @ 10,000

I initially pushed back on the courtesy call for IR346 but if it is just advisory and not requesting permission then I am ok with it if you guys are.  The 5 in trail or lateral separation seems like a no brainer because I assume that we all already give EUG a/c separated.  Them releasing control will be helpful as well.  The last thing is where my biggest hang up is.  They really want us to force down the landing traffic so it is easier for them to top the arrivals with departures. I've discussed this with a few people and the general consensus is that it is over restrictive and I tend to agree.  I am interested to know what you guys think about these items.

These are all just ideas so far so please let me know if you have any issues or other ideas while we are working on this letter.  I'll be monitoring the slack for anything you guys want to discuss or you can email me directly if you'd rather do that.


Post Brief Requirements

Last week there was a camera crew in the building shooting some sort of PSA about how we have to do a 2 minute overlap after our briefings.  They even had a sheet printed out saying what we needed to do.  All of that was premature and there is currently no change to how we do position relief briefings.  Let me know if your supervisor is requiring anything new.


Schedule Stuff

I posted this on slack but I figured I would put it here too for posterity. 

One thing I did not clarify in my first example on the last post…

Example:  You are on a line that was bid with a 0800 on Friday and you dreamlined that to a 7.  If you go to another line that was bid with an 0800 on Friday, you will be allowed to keep your dreamline to a 7.  If that dreamline cannot be carried with you then it will revert back to how it was originally bid.  It does not stick around as an option for the next person who bids your line.  The reason for dreamlines being different from swaps in this case is because many of those dreamlines were decided on by seniority so it would be unfair to keep them around if the senior person no longer owns the dreamline.





In Solidarity,

