Lots happening right now. Midweek update.
Shutdown For What
Too clever of a title to not use for every shutdown. I just wanted to give everyone an update while I was thinking about it. It is starting to look like the shutdown will happen tonight. Follow the news to stay up to date on that. However, since the likelihood of a shutdown has risen in the last few days, I wanted to remind you all of the program offered by SkyOne. If this shutdown does happen, those in the know are guesstimating that it might last until the next congress is sworn in on January 3rd. That means you could miss a paycheck. SkyOne can help with that.
Click here to learn more about the SkyOne program that can help you with missed paychecks.
Cascade Trial Period
I have had to redraw the tick marks on the scopes several times now. The first issue I addressed was the color of them. They are now yellow by request. If you do not like yellow then change them. If you do not want to see them, then dim that color in the draw function of your settings. DO NOT DELETE THEM. This is something that was negotiated with between mgmt and myself and is agreed upon. You deleting them is akin to coming in and removing an ERIDs. So please stop. I donβt want to make a thing of this. It is very easy to figure out who did it but I really donβt wanna make that a thing. So please please stop.
Also, one thing that has come up repeatedly about this trial period is that MFR can be in a north flow and still be doing ILSs to 14 circle to 32. This routes the aircraft all the way up over SAMIE. It doesnβt seem like that is an aircraft that we should be forcing down. So continue to comply or APPREQ the descent but please make a note of these issues and let me know as they occur.
Reminder about Conversations at Work
A few weeks back I linked an article about an OSC (Office of Special Counsel) interpretation to the Hatch Act. You can read that again here. Especially as the possibility of a shutdown grows larger, please be mindful of what you say at work or on social media, especially as it relates to certain politicians.
Mele Kalikimaka,