
Hopefully everyone is having a good week and getting into the holiday spirit!  Just a couple of quick things for you.

Cascade LOA Trial Period

By now many of you have probably seen the hot sheet or read the briefing item in CEDAR.  We did decide to go ahead and do this trial for 60 days so that we could gather the most data possible on it.  The restrictions I mentioned last time will remain the same.  These only apply in a north flow.

  • Cascade will notify us of their flow

  • Aircraft between the EUG 125R - 180R will have to cross 30 out at 10,000ft

  • Aircraft between the OED 120R - 180R will have to cross 35 out at 12,000ft

It will be important for us to be keeping track of the flow at EUG and MFR.  I am expecting the FLMs to be updating the ESIS to reflect the correct flow at both airports.  The TMI strip that Amy made would also be a good spot to indicate this as well.  Hopefully we can get that strip updated to have a spot to indicate their flow as well.  There will be green tick marks drawn on the scope to indicate where the radials are as well so please don’t delete those.

To read the official noticed (with pictures!) that was put in CEDAR, click here.

Reminder about Leave Requests

Webscheduler will be open for leave requests on Wednesday, 12/5 at 12:00am.  You may request leave for any day in the 2019 leave year.  The days that have extra slots are as follows:

6/14 – 1 Slot

6/15 – 1 Slot

6/16 – 1 Slot

6/17 – 3 Slots

6/18 – 2 Slots

6/19 – 1 Slot

10/31 – 1 Slot

In accordance with Article 24 Section 3 of the 2016 CBA, these will remain available as pre approved slots until 30 days prior to the posting of the pay period they are in.

OSC Hatch Act Guidance

I would expect that we will be getting more information on this in the coming days but for now I just wanted to make sure all of you saw this article from The Washington Post.  I would just add to this, be very careful with social media as it relates to hatch act items.  This stuff can be very complicated and easier to explain in person so feel free to ask me any questions about it when you see me.  If I don’t know the answer, I’ll get you one.

In Solidarity,
