
Just a few quick things that couldn’t wait until the scheduled Monday update.

New OM

Effective Sunday 10/14 Lee Kramer is our OM. He and I met today and we seem to have a pretty good understanding of what we expect from each other. As always, let me know if you run into any issues with him or the supes as the changeover happens.


We will finally begin bidding this coming Monday (10/15). I would expect that to happen no later than 10am. I apologize for not being able to share the schedule until then, I know that is not ideal. There are a lot of things still in flux and I just ask for your patience and to trust me as we sort the last few things out. Please be accessible and plan to have your bid ready even if it is your day off. We want to get this done ASAP so we can open up the webscheduler to requests ASAP as well.

MOU Briefings

Hopefully by now most of you have attended an MOU briefing. If something comes up at those briefings that you didn’t get a clear answer on please don’t hesitate to ask me any questions you may have.

Cascade LOA

We will be working out some details on doing a 30 day trial run of altitude restrictions going into EUG and MFR. This will be for us to be able to see if it is something we can handle long term and if it accomplishes what Cascade needs. More on that to follow as we have it.

In Solidarity,
