Beginning at 8:30 a.m. on Monday and ending at 5 p.m. on Thursday, the Arbitration Advocate Training-I (AAT-I) class will be four (4) full days and will be strictly related to Arbitration Hearings regarding disciplinary/adverse action cases. Attendee participation is a must. Attendees must also bring a laptop to the class. There are fifteen (15) modules presented in this class. There is always a question and answer session when the class is completed. Please come prepared to learn.
There also is a pre-class reading homework assignment that is required to be completed prior to the class.
The modules presented in this class consist of:
Burden/quantum of proof
Efficiency of the service concept
The Douglas Factors
The Arbitration process
Role of the Arbitrator;
Pre-hearing coordination with the Agency and Arbitrator
Hearing preparation
Day of the hearing
Opening statements
Direct examination
Cross examination
Case preparation
Post Hearing Briefs
This class also requires the participants to research, prepare, and conduct a mock arbitration hearing in front of an arbitrator.
Prerequisites: Basic FacRep Training (BRT) and Advanced Representative Training (ART)
Training duration: This 4-day training begins on Monday at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 5 p.m. on Thursday.
What to bring: Pen/highlighter, notepad, laptop
***Please do not book air travel or make plans to attend any NATCA Academy training without prior approval from your Facility Representative, RVP, or the Administrative Assistant in your region.***