
Facility Update 12/4

Post Bidding Survey

We asked the members present at the June all members meeting, but since bidding just finished, I would like to see if people’s opinions changed. We want to ensure we are pursuing changes that the majority of the membership is interested in. Please complete this short survey by 1/5. I will post the results when they are done.

OT Availability List

HERE’s the final list, if you see a discrepancy, please let your area rep know right away so we can get that fixed. This one won’t automatically update when changes to “available/limited” are made, but of course, the dates will stay the same regardless. Please save this so you’ll have it to reference throughout the year. Still no word on exactly where this will be stored but when it’s done, there will be a TEAM message about it.

Clarification on Working OT During Limited Periods

A question was brought up during the OT briefings regarding whether or not there is a situation that you could conceivably work during your limited weekend. During the briefings, I (Drew) gave the answer that you could only swap into working on your limited weekend, the agency could never assign or solicit it. When we reached out for clarification from the Fatigue Team we got a slightly different answer. Their answer (the official answer) is that you definitely cannot volunteer to be available that weekend. However, if there is an OT shift that otherwise would go unfilled, you could request to work it during your limited week. This is something that would have to be done on a case by case basis and would almost certainly have to be for OT scheduled in advance, not call in. The agency still cannot solicit this, this must be employee driven. I know this might only further convolute things for you, we are all learning this new world order together. So please feel free to reach out with any questions.

NATCA Shirt Day

Just a reminder: the 15th is coming up quickly! Don’t forget to wear your shirt for a chance to win a $25 gift card to either Bigfoot Java, McLendon’s, or The Rock.

TSA Precheck

Did you know you are eligible for free TSA pre-check just by having a secret-level security clearance? It’s a super quick process, but you must do it on a government computer. HERE’s the FAQ if you’re interested.

Voluntary Leave Bank

Open enrollment for Voluntary Leave Bank Membership will be from Monday, October 14, 2024 through Monday, December 9, 2024 and membership will be effective January 12, 2025 for the upcoming 2025 year.

What is Voluntary Leave Bank?

A Leave Bank is a pooled fund of annual leave contributed by its members, combined with annual and sick leave donations made by the federal workforce, that is administered by the National VLB Program Manager and Leave Bank Board.

  • Eligible members can participate in the program to:

    • Cover time out of the office as a result of a personal or family medical emergency

    • Bonding with a newborn, newly adopted, or newly placed child within one year of the qualifying event

Note: Bonding is only available for consecutive leave usage and cannot be used intermittently.

This program is different than the Voluntary Leave Transfer Program, here’s how:

WMT Scheduled Outage

On Tuesday, December 10, at 1500 ET, WMT Scheduler will be updated and will be down for approximately one (1) hour. The update includes several bug fixes and, most importantly, adjusts the shift duration validations to allow the entry of a six (6) hour shift. This is to comply with the new fatigue rules that go into effect on or before January 12, 2025, which allow for a six (6) hour fatigue shift immediately preceding a midnight shift. Please note that this update does not incorporate any changes to the validations for the new fatigue rules. In other words, warnings will not be displayed if shifts are assigned with less rest than required by the new fatigue rules. We are working with the Agency to update these validations and warning messages and expect this to be completed early next year.

Have a great weekend,

Amy and Drew



Facility Update 11/25

OT MOU briefings have started today. Expect to hear from your area rep to select your rotation line, limited/available status, and whether you would like to be on the yes/no list.

T-shirt Raffle Winners

I was off-site last week and couldn’t draw the names as soon as I usually like, but this month’s winners are Jackson Yang and Robert Marshall. They will get a choice between a $25 gift card from The Rock, McLendon’s or Bigfoot Java. We had 19 entrants this month.

Member Family in Need

Last week, after tragic circumstances, one of our NATCA family’s children were left without both parents. This is a difficult time of year to ask but if you can, please consider supporting this gofundme for the children.

Have a great Thanksgiving!






The 2025 OT MOU has been completed and is linked HERE. The briefings on this MOU will begin 11/25.

Once you understand how the 2025 MOU works, you may select your preference of volunteer or non-volunteer and your limited or available status. You do not have to attend the briefing to do this, but that option is available to you.

Your area reps will be in touch shortly to let you know how they plan to have you select these options.




Is your power still out?


I know many of you, especially in Maple Valley, are still dealing with power outages, and I want you to know you’re not alone. NATCA’s Disaster Response Committee (DRC) is here to help, and funds are available for emergencies like this. Finding a generator right now can be tough, but the DRC can cover the cost of a hotel stay for a night or two if you need a warm place to stay.

On a personal note, I have a small generator that I’m happy to lend out if it would help someone. If you have a generator or a battery pack you’re not using, please reach out to me—I’d like to create a list and connect those in need with available resources.

Stay safe, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you need support.

