Northwest Mountain T-Shirt Drives
There are two new NNM shirts available for purchase, I printed up a flyer and a QR code for each of them, they are in the bulletin board. The first one is for Pride month. All proceeds go to Inside Out Youth Services, a charity dedicated to serving the LGTBQIA+ youth community in Colorado. That one is available until July 6th. The second one just launched today and features two brand-new logos. These patriotic shirts will benefit Project Sanctuary, a charity created to focus on the families of military members nationwide. Here are the links if you would like to learn more and see the designs:
Your Vote, Your Union!
As you may or may not know, our NATCA National election is underway for President, Executive Vice President, and Regional Vice President.
It's crucial that we have as close to 100% participation as possible. Your vote is your voice. This is how we collectively make a difference.
Showing strong participation sends a clear message to the agency that we are united and engaged. Don’t let low participation diminishing the impact of our collective voice. We cannot afford to let our ambivalence be weaponized.
All members have the right to vote in this election.
New members are entitled to a ballot as long as they joined by July 15, 2024.
Missing Ballots can be replaced with a duplicate as long as your request for a duplicate is received by July 16, 2024.
If you haven't received your ballot yet, please email right away.
Please ensure your ballot is mailed by July 15th, all ballots are due by and will be counted on July 30, 2024.
If you have questions about the candidates or need assistance with election related items, please reach out to any of your NATCA reps. We're here to help and can provide you with the answers and support you need.
Let's come together and ensure our voices are heard, loud and clear. This is YOUR union. Please participate in this election.
In Solidarity,