
Childcare Needs Assessment Survey


Linked below is a survey created by Jen Teshima to help us try to get childcare in the area. We have no guarantee that this will move the needle at all but we need maximum participation in this to be able to have a shot at getting childcare back in the area.

This is for people who currently need child care OR THINK YOU MIGHT IN THE FUTURE!!


Thank you in advance for your help!




Fatigue Mitigation Changes

You've likely seen the FAA Administrator's announcement concerning the fatigue mitigation changes. While not inherently negative, the issue lies in the unilateral nature of the announcement, which lacks collaboration. The Administrator views himself as a "regulator," asserting the authority to enact this change independently.

We had a regional telcon this evening to discuss this announcement and here are a couple of key points:

RVPs learned about this this morning and got notified of a call at 9PDT along with a 114-page fatigue study. Medical personnel and FAA officials were on the call. They talked about a controller questionnaire that was against the rattler. They asked for the questionnaire but most of the report was lost on 9/11. This questionnaire was done in 1999.

Fatigue mitigation has never been in the top 5 of focus items in the FAA. The FAA Adminstrator and Dean Iacopelli were in the meetings. The Adminstrator is adamant about using his authority to impose this on us. He was reminded of the contract in place and said he would try and do it anyway. He was reminded that summer traffic is coming, and he said this is happening regardless. The Agency is convinced they can just unilaterally use Article 7. 

There were a couple of people on the call also:

Joel Ortiz, Western Pacific RVP:

Last summer showed a rash of NTSB investigations. The common theme was staffing and fatigue. The FAA did a fatigue study that did not include controllers. NATCA told the FAA that, obviously, the rattler is not desirable but don’t have a lot of choices given the staffing levels. The FAA did all of this without collaboration and without debriefing NATCA afterward. They released everything 7 minutes before the national email blast. Collaboration has taken a massive hit over the last two years. This was under a union-endorsed administrator in a union-friendly administration.

Josh Waggener, Northwest Mountain ARVP:

They are still researching as to whether this is something they can even do. If so, the impact and implementation need to be worked out, too. It might be carried out in 90 days or it might be for next year’s schedule. There is also the possibility that the managers “won’t have the authority” to negotiate MOUs if this gets drawn out too long.

Eddie DeLisle, P80 FacRep:

Management can try to do whatever they want, but it is important to remember that it does not supersede the contract. Industry will be on our side because they are concerned about their bottom line. Collaboration is not dead. We decide when it’s dead.

Basically, nothing should be currently happening at the facility level. Our agreed-upon schedules are protected, and our bid leave is guaranteed. If you hear anything about a manager requiring schedule changes or anything of that nature, please let us know right away, and we will address it.




Facility Update April 16th

Greetings from the Northwest Mountain Regional meeting in Salt Lake City. When the meeting is done, I will ensure I disseminate notes for you to review.

Area Training Rep Solicitation

We are moving forward with developing Area Training Reps. Lindsay has created an extensive list of typical duties an Area Training Reps would do. If you are interested in the role, please peruse THIS and if it interests you, let me or your area rep know.

Sign up for the ZSE Step Challenge Drawing

So far, we’ve only had 3 people fill out the form to make them eligible for the ZSE step challenge drawing. The NCF Step challenge goes until May 3rd. As a reminder, here’s the previous update info:

The NATCA Charitable Foundation (NCF) Step Challenge started last week but you can still join at any time during the challenge. Your steps will backtrack to March 20th through your tracking app/device. We have a little ZSE teaming going but you may join another team, make up your own or do it alone.

As mentioned in the last update, your NATCA Events Committee will be offering 3 gift certificates for 1st ($50), 2nd ($35), and 3rd ($15) place to your choice of either Costco or REI. The Step Challenge ends on Fri, May 3rd and we will announce the winners the following week. In order to pick the winners, all the identified participants will have their name in bowl and we will randomly pick 3 names out. Just fill out the form to get your username matched with your real name, and you're in! Don't miss out on supporting the NCF—join in now!

Google Form to be eligible for the drawing HERE

Link to join the Step Challenge HERE

Southern Insurance Group (SIG) Visit Next Week

As most of you know, the Federal life insurance that people sign up for at the start of their careers loses its cost efficiency and  value the older you get. NATCA has negotiated this benefit to provide you with a cost savings avenue to ensure your family is protected. Please do yourself a favor and stop by their booth in the cafeteria on Tuesday, April 23rd or Friday April 26th from 10am - 4pm. Just to provide some more info, here’s an excerpt from the email the SIG Rep sent me:


To remind you of the benefits we offer, our primary focus is on individual life insurance policies. For those who have the FEGLI group life insurance (which is a horrible deal and skyrockets in price as you get older), we sit down with them and show them a no-obligation comparison between what they have with FEGLI and what we can do for them on an individual basis. Everyone is different, based on current health and medical history, but it’s not uncommon for us to save people $20-40k, or sometimes more over the course of their career and beyond. Over 6,000 NATCA members have switched over from FEGLI, and we have saved them millions!

We can also take a look at members’ survivor annuity, which retirees can pay into with their retirement income to provide a death benefit for their family if they pass away in retirement. We can look at an individual life insurance policy as a replacement for that, which could provide a similar benefit for your family at a much lower cost.

Lastly, we specialize in UNUM disability insurance for controllers, which can protect their income if they should lose their medical clearance and are unable to work. Open enrollment for this ended in October of 2023, but should be available again this fall. I’d be glad to educate members on this, so they know the benefits of signing up next time open enrollment comes around.


Please do not enter any of the construction zones. This is for safety and liability reasons. They are being very strict about it and are reporting people who violate the barriers.

Amy Sizemore




Happy Spring! I mean..the rain won’t last forever, right? This is my first Facility Update, so please keep expectations low. Thanks!


The NATCA Charitable Foundation (NCF) Step Challenge started last week but you can still join at any time during the challenge. Your steps will backtrack to March 20th through your tracking app/device. We have a little ZSE teaming going but you may join another team, make up your own or do it alone.

As mentioned in the last update, your NATCA Events Committee will be offering 3 gift certificates for 1st ($50), 2nd ($35), and 3rd ($15) place to your choice of either Costco or REI. The Step Challenge ends on Fri, May 3rd and we will announce the winners the following week. In order to pick the winners, all the identified participants will have their name in bowl and we will randomly pick 3 names out. Just fill out the form to get your username matched with your real name, and you're in! Don't miss out on supporting the NCF—join in now!

Google Form to be eligible for the drawing HERE

Link to join the Step Challenge HERE


It was discovered that one of the very large pipes in the basement that runs water through the HVAC for the building is failing. The contractor will be out on Wednesday to perform a test that involves briefly shutting down the water. This is to see what types of repairs will need to be done. They will return and do this work on Saturday unless the test shows that it needs to be done immediately. This work will start between 2 and 4 am, and the estimated completion time is 30 min. Let the OM know if it gets too hot in the control room. I don’t think it will affect the heat, but maybe bring a hoodie just in case.


You may remember they will require certified people to teach the CIC class. The class will be taught via Zoom and held on May 16th and 17th. If interested, please let me or your area rep know by April 16th.


Thank you to all those who came in person and online to the All Members meeting! We had a packed room with many new faces. Chico will send out the meeting minutes soon.


The testers have been in the building a lot over the last 2 weeks. Please always ask for a NATCA Rep if you don’t see one. We are here to protect the process for you.

I will be at Parents Weekend at WSU next weekend for my oldest and away for spring break with my youngest April 8-14. I come back in time to attend the Northwest Mountain Region Meeting in SLC on April 15-17. We will send out meeting notes after we return.

If you have any questions/concerns please contact any of your Eboard members.

With Warm Regards,

your Veep

Ligaya Corbitt




Facility Update March 17th

Hopefully you’re finding a way to enjoy this wonderful weather. These are the days that help make you forget that unending gray winter. It’ll be back but that’s a Wednesday problem.

4th Annual Step Challenge

Wednesday marks the beginning of the NATCA Charitable Foundation (NCF) step challenge. We had a bunch of ZSE participants last year, but the eboard wanted to make it a little more interesting for individual participants at ZSE. So, this year, we will be offering 3 gift certificates (store TBD) for 1st ($50), 2nd ($35), and 3rd ($15) place. The challenge starts this Wednesday, so register HERE quickly!

All Members Meeting

I’m sure you’ve seen the flyers up on the bulletin board, but just as a reminder, the next all-member’s meeting is on Wednesday. Alex Navarro will be there to give a regional update so bring any questions you may have. As always, lunch will be provided, we’re planning on Jersey Mike’s this time. Please show up around 12:30 for lunch, the meeting starts at 1pm in the East / West Conference room.

Agenda Items:

  • Local Constitution

  • Finance

  • Committee Updates

  • Regional Updates

Just a quick heads up: I'll be teleworking until at least the end of April due to a detail I got selected for. It is to completely redesign the Initial Qualification Training in Oklahoma City. Considering the course has not had a major overhaul in 24 years, I’d say this is majorly overdue. Originally, it was supposed to be just a week of occasional work, but turns out we're released for 60 days. It was a huge surprise to everyone on the team, no one was prepared for that.

I've sorted things out with Ligaya to cover the FacRep duties at the facility three days a week so that everything runs smoothly. Even though I won't be physically there, I'm still reachable via text and email for anything you need.

Just want to reassure you all that I'm still fully committed to serving our membership, even if it means working from home for a while. If you've got any questions or need to chat, don't hesitate to shoot me a message.

Amy Sizemore

