
Facility Update July 6th

Good Afternoon All!

Local Elections

It is that time again. You all should currently be receiving the notice of elections in the mail. If you do not receive one within the next day or two, please let us know right away, that might mean your address is incorrect in the system. In accordance with Department of Labor rules, all votes must arrive at a dedicated mailbox through the USPS, and no handed-in ballots may be counted as valid. That is why we need your current address. 

Nominations are currently open. All offices are up for re-election to, include: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, all the Area Reps, TMU Rep, and Staff Support Specialist Rep. There is a black box mounted to the wall to the left of the mailboxes, that is the nomination box. There are forms to fill out on top and drop in when finished. All members are eligible for every officer position, and anyone from their respective area is eligible for the Area Rep positions. I will link our local constitution HERE so that you can read the descriptions of each position. 

If you are even remotely interested in getting involved, we would all encourage you to take the leap and submit your name on the nomination form. Seattle Center NATCA has a long-standing tradition of helping others and ensuring no one struggles alone. 


The 2023 Open Enrollment period for the UNUM long-term disability program has begun. I have long advocated for this program, it’s one of the valuable benefits NATCA has negotiated.

HERE’s the brochure for the UNUM, and HERE’s the enrollment form. Our program liaison, Bill Liberty, does not recommend you sign up on the website as it has glitches. Just send it to, and he will ensure they are entered into the system. And as always, members with any questions can contact him anytime.

 There will be a $50 drawing each week during the open enrollment period for members who sign up, so the sooner they enroll, the more chances you have to win!

Retirement Seminar

Another great NATCA benefit is the retirement seminars. There are many dates and times still available. There is an in-person one in Des Moines coming up in August. You do not have to be close to retirement to attend, and I highly recommend you take advantage of this benefit. You are also not restricted to the ones in our area, you can register for any of them on the NATCA portal. Everyone’s areas are short right now, but check out Article 41 in the contract. It is subject to staffing and workload, but if you can get the request put in by July 8th/9th (depending on which class you sign up for), you are eligible for 8 hours of excused absence to attend a retirement briefing.

In-person Dates/Times:

Memphis, TN 07/17/2023 3:00 PM - 9:00 PM Local Time

Memphis, TN 07/18/2023 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Local Time

Tampa, FL 07/25/2023 3:00 PM - 9:00 PM Local Time

Tampa, FL 07/26/2023 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Local Time

Des Moines, WA 08/22/2023 3:00 PM - 9:00 PM Local Time

Des Moines, WA 08/23/2023 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Local Time

Nashua, NH 10/04/2023 3:00 PM - 9:00 PM Local Time

Nashua, NH 10/05/2023 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Local Time

Houston, TX 10/10/2023 3:00 PM - 9:00 PM Local Time

Houston, TX 10/11/2023 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Local Time

Denver, CO 11/01/2023 3:00 PM - 9:00 PM Local Time

Denver, CO 11/02/2023 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Local Time

Northern Virginia 11/07/2023 3:00 PM - 9:00 PM Local Time

Northern Virginia 11/08/2023 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Local Time

Kenai, AK 12/05/2023 3:00 PM - 9:00 PM Local Time

Kenai, AK 12/06/2023 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Local Time

Juneau, AK 12/07/2023 3:00 PM - 9:00 PM Local Time

Juneau, AK 12/08/2023 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Local Time

Online Briefing Dates/Times:

07/20/2023 2:00 PM - 8:00 PM 

08/17/2023 2:00 PM - 8:00 PM 

09/14/2023 2:00 PM - 8:00 PM 

10/19/2023 2:00 PM - 8:00 PM 

11/16/2023 2:00 PM - 8:00 PM 

12/14/2023 2:00 PM - 8:00 PM 

Parking Lot Construction Update

Email from Brian Flott, ZSE ESU Manager: 


As most people have noticed, the parking lot paving project has stalled due to unexpected circumstances.

 The proposed plan is to restart work on July 17th, starting in the southwest lot, from there they will work on the west lot next to the OSW. While they are doing this they will also be working on the concrete in the north lot in front of the OSW, then complete the paving in the same lot.

 Work will not move to the next phase until the current phase is completed. When I have a firm update and information I will pass it along.

 I realize this is an inconvenience that is taking longer than planned, we are doing everything we can to get this moving and end up with a good product.

If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Thank you for you patience.


CFS is coming up on September 18-20, HERE’s the link to sign up. Signing up is a two-step process. You sign up through NATCA and then fill out the request for excused absence and turn it in to the OM, addressed to Takashi, and ensure you write the date/time of when you turned it in in case they need a tiebreaker.

This was a long update, thank you for making it to the end,

Amy Sizemore



Convention Update

You’ll have to open the booklet to match up the amendment/resolution numbers to my notes below but here are the voting results from the 2023 Convention. Main booklet HERE and untimely amendments/resolutions HERE. This year was jam-packed full of activism classes, charity events for NCF, regional meetings, and of course, the big show. We rocketed through the majority of the seniority issues, there wasn’t much discussion about them if any.

There was a motion to suspend the rules to hear R23-24 first. The motion passed.

There were many passionate speeches that were delivered in support of this. Barry Krasner was truly vital to the success of NATCA and will be missed.

The resolution was unanimously passed. 

A23-01 This amendment was adopted. 

A23-02 No second, not adopted

A23-03 No second, not adopted.

A23-04 No second, not adopted.

A23-05 Seconded. Not adopted. Nearly unanimous.

A23-06 No second, not adopted.

A23-07 Seconded. Debate was had. The amendment was not adopted.

A23-08 No second. Not adopted.

A23-09 Much debate was had about this to try and find wording that is enforceable. This motion was suspended until tomorrow.

6/22 - This matter is postponed indefinitely.

A23-10 This amendment was adopted.

A23-11 No second. Not adopted.

R23-01 Resolution adopted.

R 23-02 No second. Resolution not adopted.

R23-03 Seconded, debated and defeated. Unanimous 

R23-04 Seconded. This motion was postponed to hear after 23-05. Resolution was not adopted.

R23-05 Seconded. Motion was amended to remove “as recommended by the organizing committee” and adopted. New language is “The National Executive Board shall have the authority to declare open seasons.”

R23-06 Seconded. Much debate was had. Resolution was not adopted.

R23-07 Will be heard after A23-08. Unanimously adopted.

R23-08 Already addressed with A23-01 and not heard.

R23-09 Seconded. The motion was postponed indefinitely.

R23-10 Not seconded. Not adopted.

R23-11 Not seconded. Not adopted.

R23-12 No second. Not adopted.

R23-13 No second. Not adopted.

R23-14 No second. Not adopted.

R23-15 No second. Not adopted.

R23-16 Seconded. Resolution adopted.

R23-17 Seconded. Not adopted. There are too many questions on how this would affect our bargaining for the next contract. 

R23-18 Seconded. Not adopted.

R23-19 Seconded. After discussion, was decided that it was redundant. Resolution not adopted.

R23-20 Seconded. Unanimously adopted.

R23-21 Seconded. Unanimously adopted.

R23-22 Seconded. Unanimously adopted.

R23-23 Seconded. Unanimously adopted.

Untimely: Requires ¾ vote to even be heard.

UA23-12 Unanimously adopted.

UA23-13 Did not get ¾ of the vote to be heard.

UA23-14 Unanimously adopted.

R23-25 Unanimously adopted.

R23-26 Unanimously adopted.

R23-27 Not adopted.

R23-28 Unanimously adopted.

R23-29 Unanimously adopted.

R23-30 This was a very long debate, included a standing counted vote. Very contentious. The motion was not adopted.

R 23-31 No second. Not adopted.



All Members Meeting Minutes 6/5

Hey all! I got the minutes typed up from last week’s All Members meeting. It was a long one. There was a lot of debate over proposed changes to our National Constitution at the convention coming up next week. Some of it went back and forth so quickly I couldn’t write it all down, but I have the gist of it below. It was great to hear everybody’s thoughts and ideas at this meeting. Anyway, here are the minutes, hope everybody is good!


All Members Meeting 6/5/23 East/West Conference Room

Start time:  1:02 PM Food:  Birria Tacos provided by ZSE NATCA Local

Amendments and Resolutions - 

Amendments and Resolutions to be proposed for our National Constitution are the only order of business for today.  The goal is to get an idea of how the membership feels about each one so that we can vote in the interests of ZSE at the convention.

There was only one side note, which was that Chico forgot to get the receipt for the tacos that were provided for the meeting.  There was a motion to reimburse Chico without a receipt which passed.  (I have since gone back and obtained a receipt and filed a correct voucher, but thank you!)

R23-02 - 

This resolution would calculate dues off of base pay instead of with locality included.  Devin did a lot of math on this, it would basically cut the union budget by 28%.  This would be a really significant change.  This would hamper the union significantly.  This resolution probably won’t even be heard because it will be deemed out of order, but the feeling on this one was a No.

R23-03 - 

This one would take a portion of dues rebates that smaller facilities get, and use that money to create an internet subsidy fund.  This fund would help facilities get internet access into their buildings.  This would essentially take money from smaller facilities that already don’t have much and then give it to potentially bigger facilities to gain internet access.  This one is a No.

R23-06 - 

This one would increase the amount that national would cover for smaller facilities to send their people to training.  Once again, Devin did research on this and found that most smaller facilities should normally have enough to send people to training.  When they don’t have enough, there are other ways to achieve it by either reaching out to the region, or even bigger facilities nearby.  The room had several no’s, but then a few yes’s of people citing that training was important and we should be making sure we can send people.  This is true, however, for now, it seems that the people that want to receive training are getting it.  If there starts to be a lot of people that want to go that aren’t able to because of the cost, then maybe this is a big problem, but for now this doesn’t seem like the best move, so it fell to a No.

A23-01 - 

There was an old amendment that went through the constitution and made all the language gender neutral.  In doing so, other grammatical errors were created.  This amendment goes through and fixes those errors.  All were in favor.

A23-02 - 

Currently the constitution states that a majority of votes is required in order to ratify a negotiated agreement.  This amendment would change it from majority to two-thirds.  This one will probably not be heard.  It was a No.

A23-03 - 

When you apply for or voluntarily accept a supervisor job, you can’t perform in any capacity for NATCA, and if you return to NATCA, you can’t hold a position for 12 months.  This amendment would make it so that you could.  This was a No.

A23-04 - 

This one has to do with term limits.  It would limit people from holding positions for more than two terms (a term is three years).  There were some caveats with this, refer to your booklet if you want the specific wording.  There was a lot of back and forth here.  Some argued that term limits are good, and we should be getting new people in charge every so often.  The counterpoint was that these positions are not popular and we don’t have a wide range of candidates to choose from.  The term limits would also keep us from keeping somebody good in there that we like.  Still others came back and said we don’t have a lot of candidates because it is difficult to win against an incumbent, and this would probably encourage more people to run.  In the end we landed that we do like term limits but would change it from two to three terms.

A23-05 - 

This amendment would eliminate the rule that any supervisor that is returning to the bargaining unit has their seniority reset to the day they return.  A few people in the room seemed to think that you should keep your seniority regardless of time in management.  Amy clarified that management will take from our ranks and leave us short.  This rule protects controllers by keeping more of them on the boards.  This one gets a thumbs down.

A23-06, A23-09 & R23-13 - 

These deal with employees working past age 56 on extensions.  The amendments would reduce seniority in some way for people that do this.  The resolution would have NATCA work toward age 57 retirement.  NATCA’s position on extensions is that they don’t want them done.  Every time we demonstrate that we are able to work past age 56, it gives them leverage to move our retirement age up.  We want to protect our retirement as it is now.  The room generally agrees with this stance, but didn’t really like the idea of reducing seniority in any way for people that do this.  All three of these get no votes.

A23-07 - 

This would change seniority in a way where people who have bought back time from the agency would be able to include that in their seniority date within NATCA.  This was a No.

A23-08 - 

This one would change seniority to add time spent at the FAA Academy.  You are not actually eligible to even be represented by NATCA while you are there, so this is a No.

A23-10 - 

This was a grammatical change.  It is a Yes.

A23-11 - 

This is another seniority one.  It would add a component to seniority that would include the amount of time spent at the current facility.  This would penalize people who are assigned facilities that they didn’t want to be at.  This was a No.

R23-01 - 

This one fixes a typo, it is a Yes.

R23-04 - 

This one would create a one time open season where members who have left the union could rejoin with no initiation fee.  The initiation fee is one year’s worth of dues.  As it stands now, a lot of Locals can just reimburse the initiation fees back to the BUE if they choose to.  Amy mentioned that they usually do that for somebody who has left the union and then come back.  However, if somebody is repeatedly going back and forth, then the fee isn’t waived.  That isn’t a rule written down anywhere, but it has been somewhat of the standard way they operate.  The room seemed open to this resolution in order to try and recruit more people back into the union, it was a Yes.

R23-05 - 

This one additionally has to do with an “open season” for people to join NATCA with no initiation fee.  Currently the NEB (National Executive Board) has the authority to declare an open season.  This resolution would have the NEB do this based on the Organizing Committee’s recommendation.  Nobody had much interest in this one at all.

R23-07 & R23-08 - 

These were both grammatical type changes, both a Yes.

R23-09 - 

This would require any records of negotiations to be released to the membership upon request.  This would tie the hands of the union and limit their negotiating strength, so this was a No.

R23-10 - 

This amendment would require a representative from a local facility be a signatory on any nationally negotiated agreements that involve that facility.  Usually nationally negotiated agreements are done by professionals and lawyers that are fully trained to do so.  By having a FacRep from the facility be a signatory, you involve somebody who may or may not be qualified to do the negotiations and may or may not have the entire big picture.  For these reasons this was a No.

R23-11 - 

This one would make it so the membership would have to vote on extending the current contract.  This generated a lot of discussion.  When the slate book was last extended and then celebrated as a victory, it took a lot of members by surprise.  The members wanted to hear the rationale behind extending our contract instead of reopening negotiations and trying to get us even more.  If the members were given the “why” we wouldn’t need a resolution like this.  Some of the arguments against this one were that it takes a long time to bring everything back to the membership for a vote, and it also limits negotiation power by having to constantly go back and check with the membership.  We have to trust that the people we elect are doing the absolute best for us, and if we think they are not we have to try and elect somebody that we think will.  Extensions are useful and can be used to create windows around negotiating with the most union friendly people we can.  If this resolution passes, it will essentially make it so that extensions won’t happen anymore.  Our union is federal which makes it very different from the private sector unions.  We are hoping that leadership understands how terrible the messaging was around this and that will be enough for them to learn their lesson.  In the end, this is a No.

R23-12 & R23-14 - 

These both have to do with privatization.  Currently we have it in the constitution that NATCA will strive to have a “seat at the table” if privatization were being pursued.  These would remove that.  We think that by taking this out, they will just have to put it back in if privatization becomes a possibility, so we may as well leave it in.  These were a No.

R23-15 - 

This one creates a tier system of facilities and a method of how to handle transferring CPC’s.  It is a No.

R23-16 - 

This one has NATCA strive to ensure each facility has internet access, separate from the FAA network.  This is important to be able to get union business done, this was a Yes.

R23-17 - 

This one simply says that NATCA will pursue legislative efforts to increase the amount of sick leave we earn.  This was a Yes.

R23-18 - 

This one changes priority placement, it was a No.

R23-19 - 

This one will have NATCA work towards a 32 hour workweek, without the reduction of pay or benefits.  Everybody seemed to like this one, however there was one thing that hung people up which was the language says “32-hour (or less) workweek.”  This would prohibit doing anything between 40 and 33.  So, if this could be amended to say something like “less than 40 hour workweek” the room liked that better and it would make it a Yes.

R23-20, R23-21, R23-22, R23-23 & R23-24 - 

These are all either grammatical changes or renaming equipment or honoring certain individuals, and they were all a Yes.

Meeting adjourned at 3:01 PM



Facility Update June 9th

Regional All Members Meeting

Next Thursday, June 15th there will be a virtual All Members Meeting bright and early at 7am. Our own Erich Chouinard will be leading a part of it. For those that don’t know, Erich is on the Event Review Committee (ERC). They are the ones that review and make decisions about your ATSAP forms. Erich has spoken at many of our ZSE meetings about the importance of ATSAP and how they’re diligently working to safeguard the program against relentless management attempts to dismantle it. This is an important call that I would encourage everyone that is able to join. The link was sent from the regional comms team but also HERE.

ZSE All Members Meeting

We had our All Member’s Meeting this week and had a very strong showing! We had some really great conversations about the proposed constitutional changes. Thank you to all who participated, Drew and I have a great understanding of how you would like us to vote for you at Convention. Last Convention I provided detailed notes on how all the votes went and I plan to do that again.

Fathers Day

Father’s day is coming up and the comms team needs your pictures! Please send them to It would be nice to see a strong facility participation.

2024 MOU Negotiations

We will have our preliminary MOU meeting with the front office on June 29th. If you have suggested changes or requests, please get those to us right away.




Facility Update June 3rd

Good Morning ZSE!

Devin, Drew, and I just returned from our four Region Meeting, including Northwest Mountain, Western Pacific, Southwestern, and Region X. We reviewed the proposed constitutional amendments, participated in training, and got briefings from our national leadership. The two days were fully packed, as always but I’ll give you a quick rundown below.

All Member’s Meeting

This is the big meeting, that we need your input to ensure we are representing your interests at Convention in a couple of weeks. Please join us in the East/West conference room at 12:30 for lunch (yes, there will be tacos), and the meeting will start at 1 pm. We will be going over all the amendments and getting your input. If you would like to join us virtually, here is the LINK

Facility Elections

This is an election year. All positions are up for re-election (FacRep, VP, Secretary, Treasurer, and all the Area Reps). The notice of elections will be coming out soon and nominations will be coming out shortly after that. All the election notices and ballots are required by the Department of Labor to be sent out via mail, so if you have moved in the past two years, you must let us know so we can update your address in the system. There is a QR code in the bulletin board, or you can also email Chico (, and he can get that updated too. 

Angie McMahon has volunteered to head up the elections but is always looking for help. If you’re interested, contact her or let us know, and we’ll get you in touch!

Regional Meeting

Drew and two other constitution committee members taught a Robert’s Rules class. If you don’t know what Robert’s Rules are, it is the parliamentary process used while discussing and voting on the constitutional amendments to ensure that all people are equitably heard and order is kept. If you are interested in learning more about this process, even if you’re not going to Convention, you can sign up for this virtual class on the PORTAL. It’s June 8th at 1pm.

We went through the amendments, I won’t go through all of them now, we’ll do that at the All Members Meeting on Monday. 

John Bratcher, ARVP from the Southwestern Region, briefed us on UNUM disability insurance and announced that we’d have an open season starting June 20th! This is one of the better additional benefits that NATCA has negotiated for us. Details will be coming out shortly.

We also got training from Finance, Union Synergy, ATSAP, Disaster Relief, and many other committees that traveled out to take advantage of the four regions, all in the same place. These face-to-face meetings allow a critical avenue to educate both the newer and more seasoned Reps.

In Solidarity,

