Facility Updates — ZSE NATCA



Facility Update April 14th

There hasn’t been much facility news lately besides the water tests. I finally got the full test results and am attaching them HERE in case you’re interested. Our last all member’s meeting went great, a lot of people showed up, so thank you all for that! The tacos seemed to be a big hit, so we’ll probably do that again for the next one. Which, by the way, will be very important. That meeting is where you will let Drew and me know how you’d like us to vote for each submitted constitution amendment this round.

Drew and I will be in Albuquerque for the Center FacRep meeting Monday and Tuesday next week but will be reachable by phone/email and will be back Wednesday.







Water Test Update #2

I was hoping to have the actual test results to report to you all by now, but currently, I only have the information on the three water sources that failed tests around the building. Here is the info I got from Tech Ops:

“We received the final results for the drinking water testing, and there were three (3) samples that exceeded the Action Level that will need to be addressed and retested:

Lead (Action Level of 0.015 mg/L) Sample FW1-1 (OSW Filtered Water Faucet, FAS Library Sink) – Lead at 0.016 mg/L Copper (Action Level of 1.3 mg/L)

Sample DF 14-1 (Drinking Fountain, 2nd Floor Annex) – Copper at 1.42 mg/L Total Coliforms (Action Level - Any Positive Test)

Sample IM2-1 (Ice Maker, Cafeteria Lounge) – Total Coliforms Present I have taken the affected water fountain and sink out of service. The water has been shut off. The ice machine has been taken out of service and will be emptied and sanitized tonight.”

All that to say, the ice maker failed due to a sanitation issue, Tech Ops is working on reforming the cleaning schedule to start after the retest. The affected water fountain was an ancient fixture and will be removed and replaced with one of the new filtered ones. Regarding the lead presence in a sink in the FAST break room, the OSW building was built in the 90s, and there is no lead piping. They believe the failed test is due to an old fixture. They will replace it and retest those locations.

I purchased water and placed it by the microwaves in the cafeteria. I believe the water in the facility is safe, but I’ll keep bringing it in for a while.






Water Test Update

I was notified this afternoon that two water fountains and the ice maker “tested beyond the acceptable limits for lead, copper, and coliforms.” They have shut down the affected water fountains, and we will meet tomorrow to create an action plan. I do not have any specific numbers associated with that test, but I will let you all know as soon as I do. I can only assume it is a filter issue since it only appeared in certain places, but I don’t know for sure. I recommend you bring in water until we get you all the information.






Free Tacos Today!!


Just a quick reminder that there will be tacos for everyone up in the East/West conference room at 12:30. We will also have a Local Meeting immediately following the taco consumption. Please join us!


